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I'm a strong believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason.

Particularly when they make such a strong impact.

What was her purpose? She filled a void that i was feeling for the last year and a half of my life.. and im happy with the way we left things.

But what was the point? I suppose i dont feel that void anymore.. i do have more confidence (didnt think it was possible).. but i still find myself feeling lonely even though im not alone.

So what was her purpose in my life? I dont really know..
Do you believe that people go through abuse for ... a reason?
SilentSaturn · 26-30, M
@Husher i've gone through it.. it's made me stronger despite still dealing with the ramifications of it. I dont let it define me or dictate my future.
Maybe you are yet to find out?

Answers arent always immediately evident - they take time to self realise.
SilentSaturn · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie yeah thats what i suspect.time will tell.. i already see atleast 3 big changes..

And maybe just unreasonable to think that all my issues should be fixed 🫠
@SilentSaturn yeah....i imagine itll take you time to fully see the impact of it all .

Youve made amazing strides already and doing incredibly well .

Just don't be suprised if even in years to come, something may trigger memory, or a realisation out of nowhere.

Im four years on and still learning stuff.
Its so weird : finally looking at a situation from two opposing sides.
SilentSaturn · 26-30, M
@OogieBoogie thanks, we all do our best.. and we should be kind to ourselves knowing so.

I'm glad youre seeing positive progress as well.
perhaps you know the purpose better now?
SilentSaturn · 26-30, M
@deathfairy i think you and I figured this purpose out. :)
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
You keep tellin’ yourself that.

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