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Is it possible to care too much?

I think I’ve figured it all out, that’s my weakness. I try to be there for others, get invested in them, try to make sure they’re ok, but they don’t make their intentions clear, maybe they’re just users, get what they want and off they pop. Lesson learnt, it’s not happening again, I’ll purge this weakness like every other I’ve ever had.
Rilyn · F
It is but guard yourself on that. It might happen again because humans deceive easily, but you'll recover faster from experience.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Rilyn That’s something I’ve been working on, but I’ll be more careful in future.
Rilyn · F
@DHggmu Better. You're better off passing off as an introvert than a walk-over person if you know what I mean. Take care 🌹
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Rilyn I understand completely. You take care too 🤗
Umile · 41-45, F
Your kindness won't be for naught.

I know it can feel like that sometimes for caring people.

But, one day you will have your reward.

Although that shouldn't be the reason why we do it, just for our day of rest.

It needs to come from our heart.

I understand how hard it is for a good person to not become bitter.

DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Umile Yeah exactly, it’s the nature of good people to care for others, it just seems that good people are a rarity, and most take advantage of the ones they find. 🤗
Umile · 41-45, F
@DHggmu 💯 🤗
Eurydicekallos · 26-30, F
Its a hard balance for sure. Im a very caring person but since i dont have my own emotional stability down fully I often give more than I can handle....and im sure unintentionally to someone else I am taking more than im giving emotionally with one my friends. Hard balance for sure.

After some of my past I have gotten better at determining when im letting people use me and some of my behaviors even cause them to be able to im finding out. Always work on improving yourself in the ways you want to but dont loose yourself or how you want to be as well trying to change. Best of luck!
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Eurydicekallos you’ve echoed my thoughts perfectly. It’s like I try to heal others because I’m not able to heal myself, and it gives me some kind of purpose.

Thank you :)
I see it more as caring for the wrong people. Never give up that part of yourself. Just learn to be more discerning about who gets to experience that wonderful quality in you. And hopefully what’s happened in the past can serve as a valuable lesson.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@OlderSometimesWiser It’s a good point, it’s unfortunate that you don’t realise until it’s too late, usually. I’ve always been that person who takes other people’s problems on for them, but I do feel used more often than not.
@DHggmu As I’ve said, hopefully you can consider those experiences lessons and learn to be caring while cautious in the future. One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in life is to never let another person determine the type of person I want to be. And for you to lose that caring part of yourself would be sad indeed. Just use it wisely.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@OlderSometimesWiser It would be sad, I don’t think I could lose it, it’s in my nature, always has been. But you’re right, you live and learn.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Been there done that....many times over.
A really hard lesson to learn.
Some people only want you around while you're giving them what they need at that moment in time. If their need changes, or they feel you are becoming ( what they perceive as) too attached..... they pull away, make out youre being clingy and put you on a back burner....or ghost ya.
Magenta · F
Aw you have a caring heart.
But yes there are many who use others to fill their voids. So yes it's smart to protect yourself. It can cause us to lose some of that softness, toughen a bit, but we need it in this world.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Magenta Yeah, it’s in my nature to care, more people could probably do with having that quality. But I’ve been through things that have hardened me over the years, yet I still make the same mistakes when it comes to caring for others more than they care for me.
YES! This has been me all my life and my only rewards were being cheated on, used, and thrown to the curb.
Umile · 41-45, F
@NoThanksLeon 💯 I can feel you on that one. 🙏
@Umile Users need givers and givers need users. Why can't two givers ever get together.? lol
Umile · 41-45, F
@NoThanksLeon mmmhmm. I love it when I do come across one. I'm like, Hi friend. 😂
Orphic · F
I think it's not you being a caring person its because people weren't worthy , I can't believe I let some people in the past questioning my genuine kind feelings and see it as weakness or stupidity while the real reason was them 🤦🏻‍♀️.. just be careful about who you really care about and are they really worthy?
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Orphic Oh yeah, it’s very easy for people to take advantage of a caring soul. It’s a shame it can take time for us to figure that out. I will definitely be more careful in the future, thank you :)
Lostpoet · M
It is possible to care too much when people take advantage of it like you already said. Caring is a major part of what makes us human and by helping others we feel more human.
Sure. I do. I push people away/keep them at a distance so I don't get shit on.
I live in hope that my kindness is passed on.
Umile · 41-45, F
@V00doo #TRUTH
Musicman · 61-69, M
Yes it is. 😢 Sometimes we care so much about others that we take their problems on for them.
DHggmu · 31-35, M
@Musicman Absolutely, and then once they’ve got what they need, they’re gone.
Musicman · 61-69, M
@DHggmu Exactly! Leaving us wore out from all the stress and worry.
Workerbee · 31-35, M
Yes I’ve been burned that way in the past

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