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Feed filter not working…

I used to be able to only show the posts of people I’m following. Now it doesn’t filter shit…😅 Is it because I’m no longer a Very Important Person?
Andrew · Admin
You may want to consider testing this Customize Feed Preset: Friends Only, Time Based

Your current setting may have "Relevant Content" on Minimum, which introduces other, less relevant sources into your feed (intended for those who wish to see more content, from a wider range of users).

Andrew · Admin

My first comment quoted was made about my "friends" preset feed, and there's no single comment included in that feed.

From what I can see, it's currently the same way, for your "Friends" Custom Feed as well.
The first 8 posts, are all Comments made by your Friends.

I'd have expected all the feed to be filtered and not only a top 8 or 15 for that matter.

The entire feed is generated per your active settings.
There isn't any specific Top 8 / 15 grouping.

Simply, from what we can see, at the moment, the first 8 posts in both of your feeds, are all "comments from friends".

That could change to: 5, 2, 11, 0 ... at another point in time.

I'm not sure what you guys did to make this an issue as it was working better before you made the update with favorites. Just my feedback and maybe help to direct when things went downwards. The feeds are useless for me as it is right now. It's all too random to follow anyone by using the feeds.

We would like to assist you, and we are trying to,
however, what you are reporting as seeing in your feed (or not seeing), is contrary to what our internal systems show is appearing to you at the moment.

The feed customize pretty well according to the settings chosen.

We'll make a note to look into your situation better, in case there is some bug.

However at this time, what you are reporting isn't the same as what we are seeing presented for your feed, so it's difficult to advise you further.
It’s posts, not comments. All posts being older and not chronically. Per the first point replied to me. I’m on the run now and will have to look into your full reply at a later point.
My current view on my second feed...

Preset: Friends Only, Time Based

Comment 9 hours

Comment 9 hours

Post 9 hours

Post 9 hours

Post 3 hours

Comment 7 hours

Post 2 days

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 12 hours

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 15 hours

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 16 hours

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 2 days

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 1 day

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 2 hours

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 5 days

Outside my circle, not following me
Post 6 days

Friends afterwards in a mix of old and new posts and comments

It's neither time based or friends only.

Ideally we'd be able to have all comments and posts, all time based and then filters where we could chose if we want to see comments or posts, friends etc. I'm aware we'll never get that, you've ignored me each time I've asked you if we can have a feed that's time based without algorithms. As we can't have that it would be nice if we at least could have the feeds showing what the presets say, which for me is 'All Users, Time Based' for my main feed and Friends Only, Time Based' on my alternative feed. I'd appreciate if you could help me with this. Thank you.
Nanori · F
One things that's been bothering me, I see a post and I think alright I'll get back to it in a sec, I go b and it's not there anymore :|
@Nanori oh I know exactly what you’re talking about…😅
Andrew · Admin
Just a reminder, we have the "Seen In-Feed Posts" History page available:

This way, you can easily re-locate a post you previously saw in the feeds.

SimilarWorlds is the only social network (I'm aware of) that has this convenient feature available.
OnePatheticClown · 51-55, M
It's all part of their experiment to drive us insane...🔺
@OnePatheticClown We already crazy🤣
ImRileyTheDog · 22-25, F
You’re very important ❤️

It’s sw and it’s wack coding system
@ImRileyTheDog LOL thank you🤗
No.. they changed the filtration systems
@SStarfish which reminds me… I need a new filter for my furnace 🤔
Youre important to me hani <3
@TryingtoLava Thank you Lav🤗💕
Personally i think its some kind of social experiment like covid isolation.

Admin are saddists.
@OogieBoogie SW is definitely a social experiment 😅
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
But this new way is perfect 🙄
@iamonfire696 I need a user manual 😅
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Haniazed I think we all do lol
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
The feed is the worst it has ever been
@FeetAreFantastic I think something changed
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
@Haniazed Yeah, something definitely has. Since a relatively short while I see a very noticible drop in post views. The only comments (views?) I get soon after posting are from the usual suspects of people who probably follow me. I will only get comments from random people several hours or days after.
Lilnonames · F
When I complain I get a warning
@Lilnonames I’m just asking…😉🤣

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