@SW-User Yeah, I don't doubt that will happen.
The things is, I've tried every which way to get it to show what I want and it just won't do it.
If I sort by newest it only seems to show the latest posts from the usual suspects, and if I customise the feed I get EVERYTHING including individual comments, then if I alter the customisation to show posts chronologically the first one that appears is four days old.
All I want is to be able to see ALL the latest new threads from ANYONE in a chronological order without having to trawl through a huge list of random comments. Doesn't seem much to ask.
You really get the feeling that there are only about ten to twelve people using the site, but when you look who is online there's way more, and if you go look you find that they are also posting, I'm just not seeing them.
It's all very well the admins giving snotty responses but if so many people are complaining, and the site doesn't appear to be able to show me what I want then we could either do with instructions on how to filter more accurately, OR they need to rethink how it works.