We moved out of my in-laws house yesterday!
I'm beyond happy to get out of my in-laws house, my mother in law was severely verbal abusive, always yelling. She kept lying about me being messy while she always left dirty dishes in the living room, she left dirty dishes in the sink and blamed me. She had a problem with cleaning dishes so no one believed her anyways but still it got out of hand. She kept telling me if her son didn't met me he would be more successful and that I ruined him. She blamed me for getting pregnant and that I shouldn't have kids even though my child is happy and healthy, she told me I wasn't allowed to take breaks or sleep in that I was lazy if I slept in til 10 am on the weekends. She always had communication, and I told her she had a lack of it, that didn't end well. And trust me that's only the start of it all. It gets worst from that part on.... I'm so happy I'm in a safer home a