there's a lot more hate on social media vs 10 years ago
@SW-User I agree. Feel like people know they can get away with what they want online and just go for the gold these days
SoLeRiMix · 36-40, M
@SW-User Absolutely right!😇👍
Simply because, social media platforms weren't using reverse psychology algorithms and ad revenue wasn't the sole aim then.
Simply because, social media platforms weren't using reverse psychology algorithms and ad revenue wasn't the sole aim then.
BabyLonia · F

@BabyLonia that absolutely nails it how it is.
BabyLonia · F
@SW-User 😊

@BabyLonia LMAO. Got that one right.
RebelFox · 36-40, F
Yeah I’m smelling what you’re cooking! But I do miss when you could actually see everyone. Now you only see certain people? Certain topics? I dunno. Why limit it? Feels controlling.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
ka ka doo doo

@Degbeme 🤣💩
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
EP was there when I really needed to find it,at a crucial point of my life,and helped me immensely with what I was experiencing.Kind,caring and compassionate people gave me a focus point.Forever loved.
Rokasu · 36-40, M
It felt more cliqueish than here. Then again I was some young 20's year old still lost in the world. Pretty sure if I was the same there as I am here, things woulda been no different.
What I'm saying is some of y'all booty holes. And some of y'all decent booty holes 😌
What I'm saying is some of y'all booty holes. And some of y'all decent booty holes 😌
SoLeRiMix · 36-40, M
10 years ago, people didn't mind video-chatting after knowing the person. Now, people are too scared even think of it. Majority believes the one on the other side is a dark-web hacker God-level skill-set determined to make life of others a living hell. That's not the case. Not everyone is a hacker or hunter. Block option existed 10 years ago and it exists to date.
Also, 10 years ago, the polarization over web was less. Now, Right and Far-Right are always looking for an opportunity to start a heated argument that they tend to make too personal later.
Percentage of Nudists has certainly increased on online platforms and so, has the %age of revenge porn cases.
Damn! Technological advancement is good but we humans are using it to make our lives worse.
Also, 10 years ago, the polarization over web was less. Now, Right and Far-Right are always looking for an opportunity to start a heated argument that they tend to make too personal later.
Percentage of Nudists has certainly increased on online platforms and so, has the %age of revenge porn cases.
Damn! Technological advancement is good but we humans are using it to make our lives worse.

This is way more addictive than Ep because we use phones and then it was mostly computers
ScarletWitch · 31-35, F
Posts used to be longer on EP and it used to be yellow.

Wait ...what was the question 🤔
DDonde · 31-35, M
We've changed too.
candycane · 36-40, F
Too controlling less freedom but u like that shit