Thanks! That's great and very motivating when we receive nice comments like these.
Loads of thanks also to @Andrew equally for all he does too, as SW wouldn't be what it is today without him.
@Nunoin truth, we are happy being in SW .. yes we may differ in opinions about many things, but ultimately i believe the majority of us are very pleased SW exists, and it is no doubt from the hard work of You and Andrew ! <3
Side note -- Are the mini games coming or can we assume it's not? Either way, i want free foodz lol jk
God bless that man he’s a saint for putting up with us
@Nuno is aware that I don't agree with all the decisions that have been made about what this place should be like -- BUT I agree, @LeahLovee, Nuno works so hard to keep SW going, and has helped me out too when I've asked. Thank you Nuno!
Nuno is a good man .. actually i dont know if he is a man or woman, i assume he is a man ..
But i digress .. he is a good man .. he does a lot .. so Nuno, let there be peace between you and me.