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theAlchemist · 56-60, M
I think being upper class or rich (especially those that inherit wealth) is more the form of privilege existing in the western world today. And has been for centuries. I also think racial divides are being promoted and exploited by the 1% to obscure the gross injustice of class issues. The demonizing of white men is being pushed from above and there are those among nonwhites (and especially white leftists) that are all too eager to run with it. The old "divide and conquer" tactic, 21st century version. I myself am working class, hetero male and not white.
@theAlchemist Very well put! In the end money talks more than race or background. While old biases will still float around money is a HUGE equalizer.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@HijabiHomegirl money certainly helps equalize.

I think it’s much more complicated than that. While being a white man can make some things easier, there’s bias in everything including bias against white men. And just because some things are easier (potentially,) that in no way makes anyone have some guaranteed path because of it. It always takes work. The only true “privilege” that I’ve ever seen is afforded to the rich, but that’s the way it’s always been. The golden rule is he who owns the gold... makes all the rules.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@DarkHeaven agreed.
@Mindful The culture war, as in all wars, is the rich man’s war... and the poor man’s fight. Fortunate son, it ain’t me. ✌️

I've yet to see a white man get some white guy prize in the mail
BlueRain · F
There is no such thing as white privileged. If anything other races have more rights.
Well, let's see, I'm white and male, but I'm also gay, so I have that working against me...I guess in the end I'm "semi-privileged"? 🤦‍♂️

If you can't tell, I find this whole concept to be ridiculous. Men are more likely to commit suicide, lose their children in a custody battle, they go to college at lower rates than women, and they have shorter lives. So I'm not sure where the "privilege" comes in. It would be nice if we stopped viewing people in terms of immutable social labels that explain everything about their lives. It's this "stamped from the beginning" view of race that is incredibly popular in the U.S. right now and I think it's causing damage. If we continue to tell people that they can't succeed because of their race, because history and the whole system is against them, why are we surprised when they don't? It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I see this on the left and the right. POC don't succeed it's because of white people and racism. White people don't succeed it's because of illegal immigrants and elites. I think there are systemic problems; it's not all a matter of "bootstraps". But it's only part of the problem. Our problems can't all be due to "society". We have to look inward too. Not enough of that is being done.
@SW-User Woah. Perfect. This.

Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User beautiful. You are correct. I will try to curb my labels, when I have discussions, or be baited by them, but it annoys me when I hear people say there is no prejudice. My goodness, I have heard it and seen it with my own eyes and ears in my own circles!!!!! It’s nothing that will kill, but it does.... create obstacles. It’s stupid! To judge someone based on their skin color!
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Sure, sure all white men are born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They don’t ever have to work for anything.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti I must be doing it wrong.
IWasCallingYaLarry · 26-30, M
Neither of those things exist, so no. Women have more advantages than men these days because vagina. And also white privilege is a myth when you consider jobs and other places specifically will not hire someone just for being white, because of just wanting a check box of certain kinds of people. They don't care for meritocracy. Movies do it all the time and so do other jobs. To me it just seems like when people who believe in white privilege being a thing, what they really mean is they hate when people work hard. If a white person owns a nice car and other nice things, he or she worked their ass off for that stuff, not was just handed stuff for being white. But sadly, people just blindly believe in that, even though that's not reality. I believe anyone can achieve something if they work hard at it, and if they claimed to have worked hard at something, well then ya just didn't work hard enough.
LeaDhelani · 22-25, F
White privilege huh? I have never been able to return a sweater without a receipt, Have an employee let me into a store after closing time, a car dealership take a little extra off the sticker price wheni asked.. Gosh i can't remember the last time i received service with a smile...I would risk this unearned benefits to benefit others any day...White privilege is just another bs racist intended nonsense to devide us more further apart...Anyone who treats anyone badly and unfairly based on their skin colour is a moron piece of shit and can just go to hell...This is the reason why I can't stand humans beings sometimes. So stupid!
LeaDhelani · 22-25, F
@DarkHeaven There is really nothing to understand or a way for anything, I refuse to be part of a dumb society or socialise with anyone who thinks a skin colour add-value or de-value another human beings. I find it really irritating and stupid! People are so fucked on their own they dont need no skin colour to make a case...I hate this skin colour shit! So lame
@LeaDhelani You do you. Be well. ✌️
LeaDhelani · 22-25, F
@DarkHeaven Thank you . You too
I would love to have some of that white mans privilege. I work 50 to 60 plus hours a week just to see my hard earn money go to pay for people that can work and choose not to and blame white people for there problems, when we don’t have anything to do with there problems and they bring it on them self’s.
I am so sick and tired of seeing people that can go to work and won’t and thinks the world owns them a free living.
Here’s a little known fact that a lot of people don’t want any one to know, during the Civil War there was at least five known African-Americans that owned slaves. But you never here about that. The way I found out about that was my mom was doing our family history and came across the fact that my grate grate grate grandfather was sold in slavery.
@Firedragonco2 My people (Vikings) had slaves but they weren’t black, they were other European cultures we warred with. While I think the practice is and was deplorable, the slaves Vikings had could earn back their freedom and actually have property and standing of their own. It was a brutal practice at a brutal time but it wasn’t a racial thing for them.
BlueVeins · 22-25
Yeah, they give you free gluten-free bread.
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
I’ve worked for everything I have in my life. Nothing was given to me just because I’m a white male. It does seem though we are the most hated humans in America right now though.
JesseInTX · 51-55, M
@DarkHeaven in no way did I take your comment as a judgment or an insult my friend. I understand what you meant. I too hope we can get there on day.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@JesseInTX that is true. I actually don’t hate either side at all. The hatred is THE problem, and it goes in both ways. Not all white people are racisit, and very unfortunately there is some inexcusable reverse hatred. Where does it begin? Where does it stop? I just don’t like people saying it doesn’t exist just because they themselves don’t have racial bias.
"The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice".

I have to believe it’s true. I’ve fought too long and too hard, for it not to be. 🥺
Yeah, my life is a breeze. White people get free cake 🎂
hotandcool · F
@SW-User white cake.
@SW-User How much cake?
Mindful · 56-60, F
Only a white privileged male with white privileged would deny it.
@Mindful Light and love. Be well. 🦋
Mindful · 56-60, F
@DarkHeaven thank you, I need it.✌️
@Mindful We all do. It’s what makes us human. And we are all human. 🖤

FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I dream of being a Red Male like the Kool-aid Man and smashing through walls "Oooh Yeeeaah!!!"
@FreestyleArt Finally, an honest goal in life!
I'm a man that's all I have going for me priviledge wise. I'm not white but I haven't noticed white men getting special treatment over me.
Yeah, being forced into a position where everyone can shit on us and we have no recourse is such a privilege.
I'm a white privileged male that stands for my National Anthem (USA) and those that don't can kiss my ass!
My straight white male life is pretty nice. I don't know if it's because of those things, though. How would I know unless I've had the experience of being another gender or race?
Mindful · 56-60, F
@SW-User you are being open to thinking beyond and considering the “what if’s”. That’s all anyone can do. To know that it is a possibility, in someone else’s life, if not yours.
@Mindful open mind starts a dialogue.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@DarkHeaven yes, and it’s true that not everyone needs that dialogue, but some of our countrymen need it much more than others.

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