SapphicHeart · F
None specifically, there'll only be this few people here that I do / wish to interact with, and most of time the boards are just plain boring and dull with the same old same old that won't even really pass for the purposes of procrastinating.
UglySpudicus · 51-55, M
Mines on in the background whilst I'm working... I fly in with my know it all advice n fly out... Wouldn't waste my own time in here though 😏
Jayelle · 36-40, M
@UglySpudicus Some of these people need more advice.
UglySpudicus · 51-55, M
@Jayelle lord you are soooooo right.
butterflymind1 · F
mornings (we are on the other side of the world ) a good timezone to be online
I find late afternoon it’s seems more alive on here lol
Jayelle · 36-40, M
@Spiritualangel777 I prefer it a little slow, the way it is right now. This is nice.
Virgo94 · 26-30, F
Later at night. Seems to be a little more exciting.
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
Afternoon & Night Time

Maybe nighttime

