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Genders on this site?

Poll - Total Votes: 23
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It seems there’s a lot of men on here but not very many women, or maybe that’s because more men message me... what gender are u?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M

Search for "male" on either site.

Note percentage discrepancies might be due to lack of transgender statistics. Suspect those are added to both genders.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SW-Admin Wow! Nearly a year ago.

I knew you didn't provide them any info, yet I don't see how either doesn't have "reasonably" accurate data.

Few, unlike me, go through all the trouble to clear "everything" in their browsers like I do. And unless a majority does clear their browser info those site info stats are "reasonably" accurate.

If anything those stats are a bit under rated, because of people like me.

What I clear at least one time every season.

Cookies and active logins
Browsing History
Site settings
Search history
Form history
Offline website data
Open tabs

Much of these can tell other sites exactly what sites you have been on as well as what your doing on those. Top that off with location data from mobile phones only makes the whole situation worse.
SW-Admin · Admin
@DeWayfarer I understand what you say, but unless you have an extension on your browser that sends data to Alexa (or similar services), those services shouldn't have access to your History/etc.

We have our own statistics. Alexa even says that our users have drastically decreased since January 2019, and that's definitely not true at all.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@SW-Admin Really? And does your stats include multiple accounts for one user? I think theirs does!

As to the history data. Other sites report that info. Not saying your site does, but there are weakness in browsers. It's one of the ways that certain site hacks are done, as well certain ways around those hacks.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
There's plenty of women but there's a large group of men who seem to spam female users a lot.
no idea, most are fucking aliens
Heather2000 · 22-25, F
@SW-User yeah you’re right I’ve seen that more times than I would like.
@Heather2000 I am nuts too but the 'good' kind of nuts 😇
Heather2000 · 22-25, F
@SW-User oh? What’s the good kind?
I actually would be curious about the percentage of genders chosen here and what they do.

My gut feeling is that there's probably more males lurking about and pming 18-21Fs than there are posting publicly, and probably the reverse for females, but that doesn't seem to be the kind of statistical thing they want to advertise.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
I'm a man.

There's a population of dudes here who spam women with messages that usually have sexual intent. IDK how many on the site compared to women but they to be more aggressive. General rule is ignore messages from people you haven't interacted with on the public site.
AlmostAnAngel · 100+, F
Straight Female
chrisCA · M
Straight male.
Bluesky52 · 61-69, M
because there's a lot of direspectfull males ran off the females,
Ooh, tied up.

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