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Areebah · 46-50, F
EP because i had wonderful friends there. I miss them all.
Bluesky53 · 61-69, M
same EP had more to it,it was more personal,
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CallmeHopelessNotRomantic · 46-50, F
I wish I had never found either. It could have saved me 6 years of stress.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
I’ve made good friendships there but I like SW better. People are nicer here
@SimplyTracie David Bowie the greatest man that ever walked on earth no music will ever be better than his music
Yes you are a very nice person but you do live in denial when it comes to me
Yes you are a very nice person but you do live in denial when it comes to me
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@SW-User I’m never in denial especially when it come to Bowie. He was overrated. 😝
@SimplyTracie Thank you for confirming my answer to be true :)
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
SW because it's easier to filter out the unwanted. Like the emojis and other things, easier to maneuver and post
Byron8by7 · M
I also miss Experience Project. It was so much more fully realized.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
I like it here a lot but ep was so much bigger and diverse.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
I like both, since it's practically the same community only with new people. But EP does hold a dear place in my heart, since I've spent so much time on there and made so many friends. Also it opened my eyes to a lot of new things and ideas that humans have to offer.
SerenitiesScars · 36-40, M
EP was fresh and new, and I started out optimistic which is the only reason I "Enjoyed" it more in any sense...
As far as set up goes, responsibility, and activity from the moderators I feel that SW does a much better job at that...
As far as set up goes, responsibility, and activity from the moderators I feel that SW does a much better job at that...
I like SW better but miss some of the free extras on EP.
@SW-User Designing your profile, being able to change your username anytime you want to, things like that. I'm happy here, no complaints.
@SW-User Yes profiles were better but the name change here is so that you cant troll and annoy people and get away with it
Dont get me wrong i loved EP up to summer of 2013 but SW is a lot better than EP albeit it still needs a few tweeks
Dont get me wrong i loved EP up to summer of 2013 but SW is a lot better than EP albeit it still needs a few tweeks
@SW-User I agree with you and understand why we can't change our usernames so frequently. 👍
Gforce1163 · 61-69, M
Me too!
EP up to the summer of 2013 but i prefer SW now