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For those who were on EP: How have your posting and commenting habits changed from what they were on EP?

On EP, the default setting showed posts from friends, experience groups we had joined, and the Question of the Day. The only questions that showed up were questions from friends. We could always opt to see all the questions or all the stories being posted, or if we wanted to check out questions on a particular topic, we could do that too.

But on SW, we can either see all the posts (unless we’ve opted out of viewing adult material), or we can see posts from only friends (which is a bit too narrow for me), or we can see all the posts from our friends, all our experience groups, and all the question topic groups that we've posted questions in as well (unless we choose to view only stories, which would mean we would see no questions). I usually choose this last setting, as it seems to be the most reasonable middle ground available, but I still end up having to wade through, or scroll past, all kinds of inane posts.

On EP, I responded to almost all the posts that showed up in my feed on the default setting, because they were almost always posts that interested me. But on SW, I find that I’m much more picky about which posts I respond to. It’s frustrating sometimes to have to look through so much crap before finally finding something worth looking at. But I keep at it, a little bit each day.

If my posting habits have changed, it’s because there are different things going on in my life now, and the stuff that I had posted about on EP is now old news. Also, the last presidential election got a lot of people (including me) talking about politics, which, believe it or not, I usually don’t talk about too much.

So how have your posting and commenting habits changed, and why?
This is by no mean any EP. it is a poor substitube -but it may be the best right now.

As for me writing, I find the type of story I write is NOT SW fare. Meaning I can see it on EP-as wel as my hard drive. Posting it here -or something similar-would be me preaching to me. This is an example. This would be passed over on here.

I hate that we have no homefeed- the way we did on EP- and that we have no whiteboard- although I am told that is going to change. I also hate that we cannot block groups as we could on EP. Or mute them--Piss and poop I do not care for. And I so not want to your wife tits- or you. And celebrating the other woman or other man is not something I do- they rare cheaters-or they enable one TO cheat. You wear a diaper- hit the trail. But-i can't block this shit!

So I stopped writing. Music now and again- but that is a universal language. And never any questions.

EP could have intimacy, closeness. This place, not so much.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Elandra77 Wow, thank you for sharing your EP story. I really enjoyed reading it. I agree, it's not the kind of thing that we're likely to see on here, and I don't know how many people would read it here. I see that it got 8 likes on EP, though which is good. :)

Yes, a whiteboard would be nice. And I hope we'll eventually be able to filter things out here like we could there too. Maybe I could post a suggestion about that (though others may have already suggested that).
@TeresaRudolph71 See that's the rub. i know we have some good writers here- and some good at telling a story. But they will not. For roughly the same reason I have stated. Now if we had a blog. One that we could make entries public-or private- then more would. they STILL may not get read, but it would be an outlet to them. Now they have to leave the site and go to another to do that.

Until the site is a support site and not a social one, I do not foresee stories being welcome.

Which defeats the purpose of the section.

The wb is coming-- but the filter issue you should suggest. We need a homepage and home feed
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Elandra77 That's too bad, that some good writers aren't writing here. If only we could make some stories viewable by friends only. But that would take some work to implement.

Thanks, I think I will suggest that.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
I barely post much anymore. SW is more quick and dirty, encouraging spam. I like more deep and methodical, which I think EP was a lot more geared for.

I would write actual stories and poems and philosophical and existential stuff on EP. But SW seems to punish that kind of thing, in favor of more of a Twitter style.

So, I mostly just respond to other people's questions and stories.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Tatsumi Oh, that's interesting. I don't think I've seen SW punish it, although some people have such a short attention span that they can't be bothered to read a long post.

I mostly respond to others' posts as well, but then, I did that on EP too.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
I was on EP for many years and even on that platform my habits changed as their site evolved its default settings. I originated with a story and blog focus only, I actually didn't participate in Q&A for a year or so when it was rolled out. If I recall, at one point viewing only friend activity was a setting you had to select. I preferred that there, but as this site isny as active nor do I have the close friends I did there - I don't mind seeing everything.

I prefer EPs old Q&A which was more forum like though I barely remember it.

I think stories are under utilised here because of how they're set up and marketed.

And the blogs and confessions ... I miss those feature. I've been told by mods here blogs likely will never happen here.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Starcrossed I liked the formatting of EP better too, but I agree that it was also better because there were so many more people there. So there were still plenty of posts to read even with the way the posts in the main feed were filtered.

I also miss the dream and confession sections. I guess those posts are just part of the stories section now. I suppose the mods figure that it's good enough to have those in with the rest of the posts. :/

I hope this site gets big enough for it to be worth having more filtering options available. I guess in the meantime we'll just have to be patient.
RoadieJay · 61-69, M
I thought it was much easier to meet people with similar experiences on EP
RoadieJay · 61-69, M
@TeresaRudolph71 I agree sw seems smaller yet more diffuse
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@RoadieJay Exactly! Diffuse is an excellent word to describe it. Maybe if it gets bigger (gains more members) they'll be more motivated to offer better (more focused) filtering options.
RoadieJay · 61-69, M
@TeresaRudolph71 let's hope :)
Peaches · F
Yes you're right, there's a lot of b.s. to plow through and it was a different time back then. As far as politics goes, I try to NOT get that involved as it just starts fights around here.😒I think SW needs "day care" for some.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Peaches Yeah, and because of all the nonsense that we have to go through to get to the good posts, I find that I don't see a lot of posts from my friends. I miss them because they're buried under so much garbage. And I wonder if my friends haven't seen my posts for the same reason. 🤔

And sometimes I wonder if SW has become a daycare center for some here. :D

As for politics, I think I'll probably want to stay away from that, at least for a while, unless I'm responding to someone else's post, or someone asks me what I think. Then I'll tell them. But yeah, it does just seem to start fights. :(
MartinII · 70-79, M
My recollection is that on EP we got a summary showing not only friends’ posts, but also their comments. Is that right? Certainly I find it much more difficult to keep up with friends on SW than I did on EP. I don’t think my posting habits have changed much, but in commenting I seek out a few friends whom I think will have interesting things to say.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@MartinII I think that on EP, when we checked out our friends' activity, it showed a lot more. It showed not only what they had posted, and commented on, it also showed whom they had added to their circles, and the groups they had just joined. I'm not sure if it showed what they had hearted, but it showed what we had hearted in our own activity.

But yes, it's much harder to keep up with friends here because of all the junk we have to wade through. If I want to keep up with my friends' posts, I need to either look through each friend's profile, or adjust my feed so it shows only posts from friends. But I wouldn't want it on that setting all the time.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Not much has changed ... I guess I don't stalk my friends ?s first here like I did on EP more bc I feel like a creeper answering anything 4+ hrs old or more than one or two ?s from someone's ? history in a row.

I don't have as tight of friends here yet.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Starcrossed I understand. I've found it harder to keep track of my friends here too, partly because of the feed setting and partly because I'm just a lot more busy these days.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
more chat and questions, less group talk now
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
@TeresaRudolph71 Yes the in depth group based conversation is the biggest thing missing here, I doubt things will change though the big difference is one site was a help site this one is built of maximizing traffic for ads to make money. It still gives me a place where I can talk about things I would not in a public forum like facebook where everyone knows you, a lot of the things I have talked about here I never would have talked about at all if it were not for EP and now SW.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Subsumedpat At least there is that, we have a place to talk about stuff anonymously. But yes, I would love to see this become more of a support site like EP was. Maybe that's too much to hope for, I don't know. By the way, I have Adblock, so I don't even see those ads anyway. ☺
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I use one too, and I still get some good conversations just in messages and it is harder to connect
doodatt · 61-69, M
I seem to remember EP would inform us when someone joined one of our groups. That was a good chance to meet someone with similar interests.
I really miss EP
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@doodatt I remember that too, and I also liked that.

Yeah, there are things that I still miss about EP. Like someone else said, it was more intimate because when we posted something, or responded to a post, we were talking to friends and people who understood where we were coming from.
I used to post questions every day and then stories. Now I seldom post and usually just look for posts from one or two people I admire.
zorroo · 61-69, M
I was away for almost a year from SW, when I am back I still can see that EP was much better.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@zorroo Yeah, I don't know if this site will ever be what EP was, though one can hope. I'm hoping that if it gets much bigger, and they come up with better filtering options, and also allow us to mute groups, maybe it will be more like what EP was.
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
I was a late starter on EP and it closed not long after I joined it. I used to comment on stories about spanking and that was it, but once I discovered SW had a Q&A feature I started using that far more than the stories feature. I saw it as a chance to have the same kind of fun I used to have on other Q&A sites.
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@NankerPhelge I see. Yeah, it seems like most of the questions posted here are just people having some fun, nothing serious.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
more comments less stories
TeresaRudolph71 · 51-55, F
@Subsumedpat Yeah, me too, though I contributed to EP mainly through my comments too.

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