They can't see my profile when they block me so why should I waste energy on getting back at them?
They can't see my profile when they block me so why should I waste energy on getting back at them?
Zoranna · F
No, I don't. It's their reasoning and their decision as far as I'm concerned. I haven't been on SW for that long but the number of people, I presume mainly the young ones - could be wrong, who've blocked me puzzles me as to "Why?". I only know of one who did have the courtesy to PM me and tell me he was going to block me for some perceived slight he'd received from me during our time on EP. Did I block him back? No, because I don't care enough to.

I don't know if anyone has blocked me but I don't really understand how this works. How can you see their profile to block them if you've been blocked?

@SW-User yeah
Zoranna · F
@SW-User I don't understand it either, but to be honest I didn't even check to see if I could or not. I can still see them when someone else answers them but it doesn't bother me, it was their choice. You can see if someone has blocked you as it shows "deleted" but you can still see the recipient's answer.
GwydionFrost · 56-60, M
I've never blocked anyone, so... nope.
Praise · 41-45, F
Whats the point in that?

Nope, no point, and no point in blocking imo:)
SapphicHeart · F
Nope. Why waste my time on that?
It's kinda redundant.
Spoiledbrat · F

how can you block some one who has blocked you. you can't see their profile. lol. 🤔
rckt148 · 61-69, M
Na ,I have better ways to stop people who love to mess with people
and blocking is not it
and blocking is not it

Nah, don't wanna see their pussy ass name on my block list