Funbook · 41-45, M
Welcome to SW... In SW or Real World, We need beautiful soul like you. Peace

Don't waste your breath, ep was way better and so where the people . Here is like a graveyard 25/7
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@Funbook: yeah that wasn't fair . Ep actually saved me from depression . Now I know how good it really was . Enlightener was right when he complained about it closing
Funbook · 41-45, M
Lets sue together.

@Funbook: haha
allsfinebime2 · M
Welcome to SW Beautifulsoul96, from one ex EP'er to another. ☺☮
Shadowstep · 26-30, M
Funny how I was like that when I was on ep
Jake966 · 56-60, M
Welcome !
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Welcome! :)
Kim0824 · 31-35, F
Newandimproved · 61-69, M