placelessboy · 22-25, M
I'm from EP too lol...welcome!
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
You aren't the Mario we were expecting but welcome.
placelessboy · 22-25, M
@MarioT96 you're welcome! Hun not really, they're still working on this site so free to suggest anything to help 'em improve our new home XD
MarioT96 · 26-30, M
@immaloner, Ohhh lol. Yeah. It's just that I never used those old fashioned emoticons because I used emojis lol XD <- I hope that works
Edit: It did work lol
Edit: It did work lol
MarioT96 · 26-30, M
@immaloner, By the way, how do you put those emojis? I'm on my phone and it has them in the keyboard, but would this site take them. Hmmm..
MarioT96 · 26-30, M
@immaloner, Why thank you lol!
Ugh isn't there a proper "Reply to comment" button??
Ugh isn't there a proper "Reply to comment" button??
placelessboy · 22-25, M
@MarioT96 you just type know use the : to make the eyes and then D to make the mouth and you get > :D just like the old days on internet
placelessboy · 22-25, M
@MarioT96 YAY you did it man! ha ha ha it's fun to have them around again