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This profile is almost 2 years old but i learnt something.

Friendships or connections on SW are short lived and disappear without a word.
Its strange how this is so different from ep.

Just venting
I had a very different experience. I made few long lasting friendship on here and zero on EP... But that's mostly because I was too creeped out by internet people at first...
Jordan420 · 56-60, F
I believe the entire concept is built around short term connections.
Allabouttaboo · 36-40, M
@Jordan420 may b thats the reality of todays world too..
@Allabouttaboo some short, some longer. But i think sometimes intense connections can develop when people have similar interests.
Selah ·
Its not the site its the culture..the times. EP was 60yrs ago.
KuroNeko · 41-45, F
@Selah ah the old wind up internet 🧐

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