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I am on a roll and this is just my first few hours back at it sense my Experience Project days.

So gentlemen when was the last time, if ever, you had a complete make over?
I am talking head to toe change.

For me it was kind of unintentional. I had a funeral to go to and had nothing nice to wear. So I decided that rather than just buy a button up shirt and black tie I would go all out.
I'm not one for dressing up because I feel like a complete fish out of water. My normal idea of it is like what I said. A clean pair of jeans and a button up shirt and black tie and some times even a sweater.
So first was the shirt and tie. Easy to find and pretty much will go with anything else I would be getting.
Then I got some nice slacks. Black as well.
I put a nice shine on the boots and I was complete.
I normally feel at ease in my bike leather, jeans, t-shirt and my engineer boots.
But today I was dressed to the nines.
After the funeral I had to go get a prescription filled. When we gave them the script they said it would be about 15 minutes. So we sat down. A few minutes later the pharmacist came out from behind the counter and walked right to me and knelt down. He said that there would be a little longer wait on that medication and he was very sorry.
Now see if I had been dressed normal I would have just sat there with no clue. But sense I was dressed like I was somebody I was getting the good treatment. I mean he didn't have to ask who was waiting on the script I was there for. Someone had told him who he was looking for.
So if you ever wondered if the cloths make the man you may want to give it some serious thought.
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Oh....I've played with this concept SO MUCH!!

I have a malleable personality - I can change everyday - and adapt myself to those around if need be.

People form tribes, and tribes have uniforms - just like you spoke of.

And I read somewhere once - people get something like 70% of thwir information from their eyes, and we've all heard of first impressions....

We're a terribly gullible society - few see deeper than the surface. And even less have the strength to treat ALL with equality.

Imagine your treatment had you been dressed in dirty smelly clothes and no shoes!

Humanity huh?!🤷‍♀️
Machete · 56-60, M
@BoobooSnafu You are very right with this assertion about people being gullible. They see what they think they need to see to know who you are.
I think I was going to add this to the story but I will put it here instead.
I needed a lawyer one time. I had been being harassed by these police men and they had taken me to court. Nothing major but something I wasn't getting into trouble for if I could help it.
Well this lawyer agreed that I was only being treated the way I was because of my leather jacket and long hair. He also added that when he rides his motorcycle he gets treated a lot differently than when he is in his sports car, dressed nice with his pretty wife with him.
I didn't learn anything real at that time but after the pharmacy incident I did put two and two together and came to my conclusion.
If you want to get ahead in this world you have to play by other peoples rules. What you do with your results is what makes you special.
Playing them with some nice cloths is an easy win for me.
@Machete funny you mention the bike jacket and motorbike.
My first lot of gear for my bike was pretty androgynous - (and a little ego - bought all black gear to match my bike).

The shit treatment by some drivers on the road was.... Stunning... And scary)
We have some pretty hot days in summer - so searched the net for a good summer jacket - discovered mesh ones and bought one off ebay - it was a girly looking one 😁... With flowers and spirals and stuff on it 🙄😁.
The CHANGE in the way I got treated on the road was STAGGERING!!!... Cars made room for Me, other bikers stopped their stupid revving at Red lights!

I wear this jacket as often as possible now - even splattered pink over the back of my gloves and have girly boots now - not that I'm girly - nut shit - Ill take any advantage of safety I can get - even if it means looking a little Nancy 🤣
Machete · 56-60, M
@BoobooSnafu Now that is funny that you could see such a difference. Just a simple little change made life completely different.
I wish I felt more comfortable dressing the way I did at the funeral because I could really take advantage of the good treatment. I just feel so out of place dressed like that. It's like I don't move my head with my neck I use my entire torso. 😂
@Machete Hahahahahaha 🤣...

Yeah - formal wear is a bit like wearing starched underpants 😁

It's funny - so ma t buisiness types use ot as a status symbol - I giggle inside... If you ask me.. It'd be a living hell to have to put on a suit everyday - poor suckers - gimme jeans and a tshirt! 👍... And no shoes if possible.

But - must Admit - every now and then, when one feels like it... It's envigorating to dress up... Just for the fun of it 😊
Machete · 56-60, M
@BoobooSnafu Maybe you have just gave me an idea. Maybe I will try it again and post my findings here. That would be an interesting experiment to do in a more controlled environment. Like maybe just casual shopping for groceries or something like that. May be fun.
@Machete oh crap!

That's the shit I do! 🤣

I once walked into a gaming and comic book store, had a handful of (only for descriptive purposes do I classify them as 'geeky young men') D&D players in it.
( im a sucker for great illustration)
I was in my leather bike gear... It was like the devil walking into church 🤣... I swear I heard a guys chin hit the table - all conversation stopped 😁... It was so hard to keep a straight face 😂
Machete · 56-60, M
@BoobooSnafu Oh I would have loved to see that. Can you imagine what was going through their minds? It was either " Danger, Danger. Biker chick on the premises ". or maybe closer to " We are going to get beat up for sure now ". 😂 Or more likely yet " It's a real woman dressed in leather. Mom won't believe this ". 😂
@Machete qmmmf!😏😜

Exactly! 😁... I was too scared to smile at them just in case any passed out! 😁