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Is this generation stupid?

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Who else feels that the young generation today is more immature than others for many years? (BTW yes I'm young too, but I have a brain unlike most of my age
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Jeffie · 46-50, M
No strong opinion. There does seem to be an ongoing rift between youth and elder that's been around since i don't know, but it took a big dramatic shift during the hippie time. For more incisive minds one may posit the possible beginning in a palpable sense to something like the tennis court oath, where a bunch of enlightenment fellas made the secular like the law or something, and religious stuff couldn't just do whatever the hell they wanted ..... oh yeah, then kids began to think about authority, and the parents had to think too, this is where self help philosophy had a rennaissance and wasn't to get closer to the divine anymore, but to make things more functional in the relational sense.
Did you know that between 1954-1977 the Depart of Defense was given permission to experiment on the U.S. population with chemical and biological weapons? Read for yourself: Public Law 95-79, Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520. Most experiments with pathogens, bacteria, germs, and viruses were done with aeresol sprays similar to Chemtrails today. And, water was contaminated with many mind and brain altering chemicals. The point is, these physical and mind altering techniques have altered generations and there is no coming back.
It is because of the public school system And parents. School is to indoctrinate not educate. Schools do not teach how to think only recite and regurgitate worthless information in the grand scheme of things. School PREVENTS the growth and evolution of a young mind. Solitude and self introspection are shunned in schools. The very thing a child needs to foster self awareness and self esteem. Children are taught to think in the collective. Be part of the group/sheep. Throw in GMO foods that actually alter brain chemistry along with technology that does not bring humans together but only separates them. They are damaged . It is not their fault.
Carissimi · F
Look at the generation who raised them. It always starts with parenting.
IJustMakeSongs · 22-25, M
Marsane1. I very much like that idea but I'm focusing more on the fault of the children themselves, many don't seem interested in learning anything except how many people liked their new profile pic on FB. They just don't understand the way the world works either, the fact they have to grow up quick and so on so on...
People's brains have been irrevocably damaged.
I was a computer scientist out of college and met many scientist from othet fields of research.
TV: it is a fact that 64,200 repetitions make a lie into a truth. The signals can cause you to believe in God or be atheist. Cause you to crave fast food and not healthy etc. etc. GMO foods dumb you down and actually alter your DNA. Offspring from affected people are effected in the same way. If you like I can give you really good scientific websites with international researchers. Mind control etc has been used for over 60 years. Never ever let someone give you a vaccine!! Genetic Algorithms are used. You maybe altered in some way. Gaming addiction is one of them. continued
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
We always love to pine for good old days that never existed. I know teenagers now, and I was a teenager once. Not that different. More smart phones and a larger cultural problem of instant gratification, but that's not the fault of the kids.
The technology we have is on average 40-60 years old. Example: cell phones were first used in April of 1973. But were not for sale until 1982. A black and a white scientist invented the cell phone. Research.
They seem equally immature to how I remember kids of my generation being. I think my parents' generation might have been the last to be really responsible as kids, but kids were expected to have jobs and help support their families in those days. Child labor laws changed that.
IJustMakeSongs · 22-25, M
Then again, it may just be Sheffield people in general
IJustMakeSongs · 22-25, M
Indeed Dex, but my generation seem especially dim witted.
No, not more immature than others. The problem is, many are raised with the idea they are all "very special" when these youngsters get their first job and it turns out the aren't that special, they have to shut up, and just have to do their fekking job, a lot of them got frustrated, their world view collapses and that give's a lot of mental problems.
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Smart Technology goes back to the 1940's. The latest computers on the market are mere TOYS compared to what the government has. This technology has enslaved the human race. Those who dont care or even care to discuss it are zombies who can't be reasoned with. They will never understand.
IJustMakeSongs · 22-25, M
You really are a fine specimen, the fact you try to call me out is amusing, but I pay little attention as the one doing said act hasn't even formed a viable sentence. Now please exit foul troll
ladycae · 100+, F
i think technology, while wonderful has created a generation who has no imagination and little creativity. put them on a desert island with no cell service and they would die.
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LadyGemini · F
It's part of a conspiracy. Dumb people don't ask questions
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IJustMakeSongs · 22-25, M
I'm more grown up than you by the looks of things, do you find enjoyment in commenting absolute crap on others posts and harassing others? No wonder many have already blocked and reported you :)
IJustMakeSongs · 22-25, M
Sorry Zoinks, but it's hard to find a kid these days that isn't either stupid, immature or buried into their phone 24/7
Don't judge a generation based on the idiots.
I must agree, although I've met many fools of different ages.

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