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I hate this site already why am I here
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doodatt · 61-69, M
The solution is simple
Instead of asking this question, wouldn't your time have been better spent leaving? It's not Hotel California. You really can check out anytime you like. Even if it takes a few days to deactivate your account, there's nothing to say you have to stick around in the meantime.
OkieGemini · 61-69, F
@SW-User check!
wyolatex · 41-45, M
Welcome anyway. Sometimes it takes a short time, sometimes a while and you may never hit your stride when it comes to SW. It certainly goes to "meh" mode quite often.
TacoCat · 26-30, M
Because you're bored and have no life like everyone else
Amaisieing · 22-25, F
@TacoCat Accurate
TacoCat · 26-30, M
lakergoy · 36-40, M
What happened?
lakergoy · 36-40, M
You can always Facebook
Amaisieing · 22-25, F
@lakergoy Ugh family
lakergoy · 36-40, M
Create an anonymous account
Fannyann · 61-69, F
Because you are curious. And that alone will have you staying for a while.
Sylveon · 26-30, M
Oh rip, I remember my first day.
lakergoy · 36-40, M
And keep your posts private!
Exhibiter100000 · 61-69, M
Don't hate us immediately. We're nice once you get to know us
Fernie · F
get the hell out then...what a way to introduce yourself...go to Yahoo answers
lakergoy · 36-40, M
@Fernie i think they may have been having a bad day before they got? here?
Amaisieing · 22-25, F
@Fernie Someone's an angry ostrich
@Fernie You just killed me Fernie 😏😉😀🙃 !!!!

I totally NEEDED this laugh 😱😁😆😂😂😂🤣!!!!
BearDownChicago · 41-45, M
Give it a little time. If even nothing more but for entertainment. Ignore the idiots and there are still a lot of good sincere people on with real stories to tell
Bushmanoz · 61-69, M
hey, don't feel bad, sometimes it's takes a while to be able to tell people how you really feel. You did make me laugh though. I picture you kicking the door to a party open saying this party sucks and I hate you all. points for blunt honesty!

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