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I am a New Member at Similar Worlds

Just tracking down an old EP friend to say hi. This place looks like it's mostly younger people, which is fine but probably not right for me.

That said, I'll stick around for a bit and check it out. I am polite and friendly and I'll act that way. Hello to all.
Top | New | Old
Sinnerwithaheart · 56-60, F
Not all younger people, quite a mix of ages. Welcome
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@Sinnerwithaheart I see what you're saying. I looked at the people tab and it looked mostly younger. But now I'm seeing I jumped a bit at that conclusion.
walabby · M
There's all ages here young fellow...
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@walabby Right you are, sir.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
We're not all young. I was in college when Pres. Kennedy was assassinated. And I have the gray hair and rock 'n roll hearing loss to prove it.
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@greenmountaingal That hearing loss was probably worth all the fun you had.
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
There are lots of old timers here.
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@NigelDoes Maybe I can scare up a game of shuffleboard. Just kidding. Like most of you, I'm sure, I'm an active old timer.
abe182 · 51-55, M
Welcome! It's all ages.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
Hello. Yes, lots of young people. Just keep on wading.
Were you under the same name on EP?
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@MsMontgomery No, it was a different name. It was so long ago I can't even remember what it was. Something nonsensical.
MsMontgomery · 51-55, F
@CharredBeef lol... I'm thinking Ribeye....prob bc I'm hungry.
Well, good luck!
Hello and welcome..🙂
CharredBeef · 56-60, M
@SW-User Thank you much.
Bendu17 · 22-25, M
Welcome. 😊

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