There is a benevolent being in the sky that watches over and loves us ans someday will bring us home to his glory!! Yada- Yada- Yada
@SuperCute y do u think being humanoid is good scientific speculation I would thing adaption to conditions gravity density oxygen levels I think intelligence could develop in a wide range of creatures!

That if you just have faith everything will work out
NeonCandy · 26-30, F
Yeah I didn't say that there aren't humanoids, just not all of them would be like that.

Being upright with a free set of limbs and also being physically weaker than other creatures seems prerequisite to sufficient intellectual advancement and invention of a wide range of tools. Not to mention a larger braincase. There are no other creatures (not even dolphins) we might think ponder the same things we do.
Eveningsun · 41-45, F
we dont have a choice

@Neon- The idea of otherworld people being humanoid is good scientific speculation.

We can see in total dark, a magical alien wants to help us, etc.

That being gay is a choice when the only choice is when to let the world know
Well stated but environment still plays a big part in how we move about how much strength is required it it is oxygen or some other gas that energizes the bodies cells!The human brain is only about about 2% of total body weight!
KingofPizza2 · 36-40, M
That carbs are bad for you.
NeonCandy · 26-30, F
That all aliens look somewhat like humans. If aliens are real, they probably do not look like humans, at least not all of them.
Lucifer · 36-40, M
That gay people are gay only because they choose to be gay.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
That your own life is more important than anyone elses.