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how many friends have you lost that you wished you had back

hunkalove61-69, M
One thing I've learned in my old age, people come and go.
none...i kinda miss the illusion of solidarity i thought we had but dont miss the people themselves
i had that happened to me too. i had a mexican friend for 10 years do that same thing to me. during the senior year of hs. he just turned cold and pushed me and my family away. use to be so close. he was the one that got me into long distance running. use to go to church with him and his family. i wasnt a partier and he went that route and seen me and my brother as lesser beings. that hurt a lot. sad part is i still think and care about the guy. i still think about those past times.
@SW-User yep i feel you. id honestly rather have him pull me aside and straight up tell me he didnt want to hang out and didnt see me as a close friend anymore. But a cold shoulder here and there mixed with superficial kindness conveniently during the time where my life was completely falling apart was putting salt on the is what it is and ill just take it as a lesson in the future.
i had a good online friend met 3 years ago. she got me out of a dark depression. cared a lot about her. she was living a double life. a good girl she portrayed but a bad girls she was. she got mad at me when i started to see her true colors. asking her why she liked being sexually harassed. why she liked talking dirty to sick sleezy men and hang around pedos. she even sex chatted her self in front of everyone else who was online. i didnt understand her lifestyle choice or why she was doing that. she pushed away because she didnt want drama. lost someoen who i had a lot in common with and who i cared about because of what she was doing with her life. she brought me huge trust issues with people online.
rckt14861-69, M
All of them ,but if it was me I would want to be left alone while I rest in peace ,,I'll show them the same respect
Some are far better off ,if the Lord chose to spare me anymore pain
I would on one hand be thankful my race is over ,
but for my family and the lost I will keep fighting as long as the Lord see's fit ,but their race is over ,I am glad their struggles are over too
RIP ,gone but not forgotten
Bluesky5361-69, M
let me count them,,,,,,none
Reject26-30, M
Not a single one. Humph! 馃槫
Only one on here
ugholivia22-25, F
My real friends are still with me.

Acquaintances come and go
KaysHealingPath36-40, F
I've lost none that were worth wishing I hadn't.
iamnikki31-35, F
None. I dont believe you can lose a true friend
Plankton0122-25, M
Too many to count. But that's just part growing up.
fallnhope36-40, F
More than I want to count

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