AnnaM · 31-35, F
I wish I wasn't so nice
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AnnaM · 31-35, F
@XXStevieBoyXX: people take advantage of me

I wish I wasn't so violently opposed to the idea of being around people. I imagine that my life would be a lot more rewarding and fulfilling if I didn't have social anxiety
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@XXStevieBoyXX: I'm not inept, I'm crippled by anxiety. They're not the same thing
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summersong · F
I wish I didn't spend so much time and energy comparing myself to other people.
ProdigalSummer · F
@Summersong: +1
summersong · F
@ProdigalSummer: I know love. We need similar reprogramming I think 🤗
Sometimes i wish i didn't want to be alone so much.or that i were able to let people close to me.that i were able to relate to people as they relate to me. That i were less kind, that i could know what it feels like when someone loves or likes me instead of themhaving to flat out tell me. i'm ok with them, but sometimes i wish i could know what it were like outside of my little corner.
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c@CopperCicada: You mean old bastard.
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JupiterDreams · 31-35
That I was extroverted, was a lot more confident and didn't feel so down/jaded about life and people.
Invisible · 26-30, M
I wish I grew up somewhere else

Super weird. I'm from New Jersey and I am super glad that I grew up there. Did you grow up in an urban or rural area?
Invisible · 26-30, M
Urban. I'd much rather have lived somewhere with more space way out in the middle of nowhere

I'd like to live somewhere in the middle of nowhere now, but I definitely would not have wanted to grow up there.
ProdigalSummer · F
Less needy, more confident
AnnaM · 31-35, F
@ProdigalSummer: this too

I wish I could be better at moving on and letting people go
Abbenthewarwolf · 18-21, M
I didn't have to wear diapers forever all day every day. I wasn't born with all these defects and disorders and or diseases. In fact I wish I wasn't born at all not as human anyway.and I wish I had a friend in real life just one. Instead of none. Just Dogs and other so called animals. And beings that are not human. And I wish others would stop making sport of me and calling me names that are not good. I wish I never was.
mrmoose · 70-79, M
less afraid, less depressed,
Silverfox420 · 36-40, F
I wish I had no emotions

That I had a body that I didn't hate.