dellaldila · F
Masterpiece. At such a young age. To be able to sumerge into someone's psyche like that is formidable work to say the least. She really knew how to sway him. Not going to discuss the moral aspect because that's another topic of its own. But that girl has a keen eye and obviously feeds from emotional pain. That's all I'm saying.

She's cold hearted
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Mondayschild · F
@AnnoyingAf: it means she has no feelings of remorse she could chop up her mother, baby or whatever and stand over the body and eat a need to educate yourself and stop falling for the damsel in distress

@Starshine: I'm not even gonna try. I'll stand to what I said. Everything in this case is a clusterfuck, and she needs help not jailtime. And in case you haven't noticed, I'm not on her side. But yanno can't expect people to actually read stuff. That'd require too much precious time.

@AnnoyingAf: That came off a little more passive aggressive than I intended to. This issue is something very personal to me, so I might get carried away. Just know that I'm not on her side, encouraging suicide is bad and she need professional help.
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
how can someone be so evil by the age of 17?
Mondayschild · F
@Newandimproved: sociopath

I watched this. I'm picturing her fed up with his whining and simply challenging him to either do it or shut up and grow up. I'm picturing her upset that he actually went through with it. The exact wording of her text messages isn't given.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
She not only told him to get back in the car filled with lethal gas, she also stayed on and listened to him die. She tried for two weeks to convince him to kill himself. I hope she rots in prison.
alohamom · F
@IrretrievableObito: Then she didn't notify the police or her family or anyone! Not to mention that days before she kept encouraging him knowing his mental state of mind.
I'm so sick of people defending her...If you say you're going to jump and I tell you go ahead, is that manslaughter? It's totally not the same thing!!!
Sorry...I don't usually get worked up about stuff, but this case just really bothers me.
I'm so sick of people defending her...If you say you're going to jump and I tell you go ahead, is that manslaughter? It's totally not the same thing!!!
Sorry...I don't usually get worked up about stuff, but this case just really bothers me.
alohamom · F
Don't even get me started on this again!!!
She's wrong....whether or not you agree she broke the law, it doesn't matter....she's sick, she's wrong, and she should be punished.
People need to just stop with all this ridiculous, cruel and insensitive behavior.
She's wrong....whether or not you agree she broke the law, it doesn't matter....she's sick, she's wrong, and she should be punished.
People need to just stop with all this ridiculous, cruel and insensitive behavior.

omg that's crazy
Mondayschild · F
She set a new precedent in murder. She killed him.
Wiseacre · F
She helped kill himself,.but didn't do it!

Damn that's badass in the worst way possible.
Ynotisay · M
Curious about the decision to waive a jury trial.
What a freaking nightmare for all involved.
Except for that sub-human woman. Yeah. He killed himself. But Charles Manson will never get out of prison even though he didn't kill anyone.
Fuck your crocodile tears woman. You should be down for murder and serving HARD TIME instead of this slap on the wrist.
What a freaking nightmare for all involved.
Except for that sub-human woman. Yeah. He killed himself. But Charles Manson will never get out of prison even though he didn't kill anyone.
Fuck your crocodile tears woman. You should be down for murder and serving HARD TIME instead of this slap on the wrist.
she's stupid
Wiseacre · F
@theclocks: careless..

she's a bitch but it was his decision..