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shapeshifter44 · 80-89, M
P.S. Ella, I love centurion women, please add me as a friend
@shapeshifter44: Ha well it's much less than that really
shapeshifter44 · 80-89, M
@EllaDisenchanted: Actually I guessed as much, but the truth is that I'm fond of sub-centurions as well

bijouxbroussard · F Best Comment
I've been a old-school feminist since I was around 14 marching for Roe v Wade. A lot of people who think they're feminists are not. We're not misandrists or female supremacists. We're about equality---and not just for Western white women, either. Women should have the right to live the way they want to. For myself, I will speak out against those who advocate turning the clock back for all women---but not those who want traditional lives for themselves, because that's their business.
Some people are very short-sighted. People in general do this quite a lot, they say they want freedom for all, but only freedom to do the things they personally approve of. Or people will say they accept those who are different from themselves but then balk when someone is "too" different.
I'm not sure people realize their narrow view of things all the time.
shapeshifter44 · 80-89, M
The third wave is till trying to resolve the various contradictions left unresolved by the second wave, the feminists of the late sixties. I thought the most consistent feminists were the ones who advocated for sexual freedom; humans are sexual beings, but society tells us who we can and cannot fuck. But men do not have to allow social mores to determine their sex life, so neither should women. A liberated woman, just like a liberated man, should be able to have as many orgasms per day as her body finds to be pleasurable -- and for a woman that number is pretty high.

The problem for women was and is social domination, which is a function of the structure of capitalism.
@shapeshifter44: There's much more to the whole thing than sexual liberation, tho it's part of it. But also the right to not be sexual as well which we seem to have forgotten.
shapeshifter44 · 80-89, M
@EllaDisenchanted: The "right" to be non-sexual is an interesting one. To be sure some people are non-sexual for a variety of biological reasons. But if we accept the idea that humans (like bonobos)are naturally sexual beings, then the "choice" to be non-sexual must be based on culture, not nature.

But to be sure you are correct that feminism is much more about cultural issues than sexual liberation. There is a fascinating story about what happened in a troop of baboons when all the males got food poisoning and died -- they went from a patriarchy to a matriarchy.
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Closed thinking
@Quizzical: Aww ...thank you...
@bookerdana: Just treat me fair is all I ask...
bookerdana · M
@justmerae: Soitanly my lady *spreads coat over puddle*

I'm so tired, I'm feeling so upset
Although I'm so tired, I'll have another cigarette
And curse Sir Walter Raleigh
He was such a stupid get😂
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
You seem to know very different 3rd wave feminists than I do.
@TyphoidJerry: most of the feminists I know are 1st with a smattering of federal feminist theory rather than practice.

Unfortunately, the 3rd wave fems I do know are stereotypical neon haired land whales. The down side of being sou close to a campus town.
CaptainCanadia · 41-45, M
1st wave? Like... suffragettes from the 1910s?
@TyphoidJerry: Yes, tho there were women who were advocates for rights far earlier.The basis of the suffrage movement was 1st wave based before it was turned in to a class based movement.
Stop picking fights and put your nose to the grindstone! The best revenge is success!
@TheRealDonaldTrumpMaga: wasn't me in this case, for once. Was an argument in one of my book clubs.
I do not understand half the labels ...what is a 3rd wave feminist?
3rd time's a charm....
@ArrnArr: Do you know what it means? I really have no clue are there one wave and two wave varieties out there and how do they differ from the 3rd?
@justmerae: I don't .... just a wild guess.
@justmerae: 1st wave is the feminism school that was pre 1930s or about. 2nd wave Is trickier to nail down ideologically because it intertwined the 60s independence movement with the 70s man hating daddy issues harpies that tried to hijack it. 3rd is a mass of sjw and PC political hijacking.

The vast majority of feminists don't align with the movement or political push but instead study and throw around ideas.

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