iMystery · M
For my kids YES. Without hesitation.

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@iMystery: I have broken the law, to protect my flesh and blood. yeah.
I'd do bad things..sorry but true. hahaha.
I'd do bad things..sorry but true. hahaha.
iMystery · M
@Lunadelobos: And I have too and will do the same again in a heart beat. Much love to you Luna. 🖤
@iMystery: Thanks dear :)
You're not a parent I take it? :)
Oh yeah.
It's a wise decision, if you don't want to be a mum to remain that way.
Or wait.
I had a good friend, she was mom to dogs and cats.
And she had the surgery to not be a mother.
Well, good for her I say.
We all have to forge the life we truly want, not a life that's forced upon us. Although, sometimes even this life can turn into a blessing :)
Hugs, L.
Oh yeah.
It's a wise decision, if you don't want to be a mum to remain that way.
Or wait.
I had a good friend, she was mom to dogs and cats.
And she had the surgery to not be a mother.
Well, good for her I say.
We all have to forge the life we truly want, not a life that's forced upon us. Although, sometimes even this life can turn into a blessing :)
Hugs, L.
ScarletShadowsxP · 31-35, F
@Lunadelobos: Thank you! Your words are truly amusing and aspiring to me. :)
@ScarletShadowsxP: Any time. 😀🥂🌞🌈🌷✨☮
DIMaverick4 · 41-45, M
Yes because dying is a way of trying this life all over again .. who doesnt want another chance to play it right? ;)
DIMaverick4 · 41-45, M
@Complicated: although i doubt that .. then such questions should be banned.. my answer stems from my assumption and belief in reincarnation.. and it is about sacrifice for a loved one .. both principles adhered to by many people on this planet.. i understand your concern but if we become touchy about such small things like words and hypothetical questions and answers, it will become difficult to live life simply .. life is beautiful if kept simple and quite a drudgery if we make it complicated .. lets keep things simple shall we? :)
@mummaverick4: Excellent :) 👏🏻💓
DIMaverick4 · 41-45, M
@Lunadelobos: thank you ❤
BabyLonia · F
I'm a mum
@Babylon: And here is the answer. 😁😊👭💓
iMystery · M
@Babylon: Enough said!
Xuan12 · 36-40, M
Sure. Almost been there already.
goliathtree · 56-60, M
most likely.
Goralski · 56-60, M
No....I'm a better mourner
