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Can I wear cat black eyeliner look as everyday basis Look?

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Something like this. I'm new to make up, and I need help from Girls/Women here. Thank you.
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MissKiki · 36-40, F
A bit dramatic for everyday look
ScarletShadowsxP · 31-35, F
@Tettehki: Thanks!
marsbar · F
I apply my liquid liner like that, but I only apply it to my top lid & keep my under eye natural. That look with the eye shadow & mascara is pretty, but it's a better look for the evening for a night out.
Its a little dark for daytime. But if you switch out the black eyeliner to dark brown you could use this for daytime
ScarletShadowsxP · 31-35, F
@Starshine: Thank you and to the rest who answered :)
I actually use a cat eyeliner everyday, on my top lid. But just the eyeliner so it's kind of a basic look.
that is pretty, but it looks like a night time look to me.
Go. Do you really need our permission?
Aidan · 26-30, F
maybe instead of black use neutrals
GirlSerendipity · 26-30, F
@Nonexistent: great suggestion!!
Goralski · 56-60, M
Shave it off get a tattoo
@Goralski: she means her eyeliner not her eyebrow
Goralski · 56-60, M
@AliceinWonderland: oh...carry on
ForeverOnMyGuard · 22-25, F
I try to, but I suck at it so it never works out

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