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Thank you everyone. It's a very hard day
Ramon67 · 61-69, M
That really stinks . When my kids graduated after my divorced . I invited and begged their mom to come for the graduation . She always had excuses and later blamed me for her not getting to come see them walk down and get their diplomas .
Cause her dad turned her against me while the divorce and niw she wants no contact with me :'(
JenniferB · 46-50, F
My daughter's graduation was great but why are you not allowed at your daughter's? That's not right.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
can't you at least go and sit away from the rest of the family?
@sbelle I can't. . I don't have any information aside that it's tonight. I don't know where nor the time. I'm completely left out. I know it's today cause my youngest told me
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Her graduation was a whole lot like mine, crowded, hot and boring. I don't know why the schools in this city have to ruin a ceremony that is meant to be joyous. One boy wore a tiger suit and did a somersault and they kicked him out and with-held his diploma. The small school south of here, I've been to 3 of their graduations for my nephew and niece, and their graduations were all memorable, they were personalized and humorous too.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
I'm so sorry Chantou (hugs)
That is so wrong
@spn thank u
@spn it's the typical case of a divorce turned bad and one parent turning the kids against the other parent.. he's got the custody. .Long story
That hurts me to know that, because you're a wonderful person.
Mondayschild · F
aww I am sorry Chantou -- I would go and watch anyway.
Please know you have a lot of friends here Chantou
JenniferB · 46-50, F
I'm sorry, Chantou. I really am. :(
Enchanted · 56-60, F
Awww that's sad :(
My sons was very long.
My sons was very long.
Mondayschild · F
aww I am terribly sorry :-(
That's wrong .why
DillianBlake · 26-30, M
Why's that
How come?!
tomtracy438 · 41-45, M