Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Governments role should be to protect it's citizenry.
Ensure their health and well being.
Uphold the rule of law.
Ensure their health and well being.
Uphold the rule of law.
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Most of Europe is reasonably safe in this regard. One has to assume the British outposts do the same.
Couldn't say with regard to anywhere else.
Couldn't say with regard to anywhere else.
manlybeardman · 36-40, M
@Picklebobble2: Hm. Have to disagree with you there, especially with the influx of migrants, and British colonial places like South Africa are in upheaval as whites are attacked, not to mention major instability in places like Nigeria and former Commonwealth holdings.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@manlybeardman: I don't buy the migrant stuff being a cause of problems.
Right wingers use that as a story to scare voters into agreeing to their 'anti' immigration stuff.
Africa is a mess. From top to bottom. Although the rewards for the First Nation to get it's act together with regard to infrastructure and law could be huge !
Right wingers use that as a story to scare voters into agreeing to their 'anti' immigration stuff.
Africa is a mess. From top to bottom. Although the rewards for the First Nation to get it's act together with regard to infrastructure and law could be huge !
the cheese provider
DemonicPersona · F
To be corrupt and have fail-safes to make sure they stay corrupt.
Firespirit · 26-30, M
to keep the country safe and provide the basics
manlybeardman · 36-40, M
@Firespirit: How big should a country be and what should define it / merit citizenship?
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Seriously, I can't believe it! 😌 No brainer, that is to put tards like you to where they belong....Go, take you tricyclic antidepressant...You didn't take your med again! 😨
@manlybeardman: 🙌 He is depressed....Poor baby, that's why you are acting so rude.
manlybeardman · 36-40, M
@TealBlue: As if you care you fucking asshole. You have no fucking idea what I'm going through. Go post more boring photos asshole.
@manlybeardman: Tralalala....tralalala🤷