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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
No, not at all. I'm currently talking to a forty something year old man who claims to be a billionaire who founded the world's most successful hunger relief effort and he has private islands and his own jet planes and flies around the world dating supermodels and is also a scientific genius employed by the military to develop cutting edge technology.

So, no. Age doesn't define maturity at all because a grown ass man shouldn't be saying stupid shit like that.
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@seeandhear: The best part was when Lacsar tried to prove me wrong by sending me a couple photos of a scenic winter landscape and said "LOL, this is NOT me with my latest girlfriend in Deer Valley, right?" I Google searched it and found he stole the photo from a Burton advertisement in a magazine XD
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NigelDoes · 56-60, M
Serenitree · F
No. I think some people are arrested in their puberty. Puberty isn't a bad place to be, unless you're already in your 30s or 40s. Then it's time to grow up.

May 16/17
5:51 pm
ohplease · 41-45, F
I do feel there is a correlation between years lived and maturity, however it is how you choose to live those years that makes the difference.
Serenitree · F
@ohplease: there's physical,maturity, emotional maturity, and intellectual maturity. Few people manage to achieve all three. I know I haven't reached emotional maturity. I'm still very easily manipulated and hurt.

May 16/17
5:55 pm
Trevo · 26-30, M
I think it does
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
You are wrong and you will be wrong many times again. :-)
Trevo · 26-30, M
@NigelDoes: I've been wrong so many times, that it's not a problem to me anymore lol. I do think age has it's role on maturity, because age equates experience hence learning and becoming wiser. I don't necessarily think all old people are mature, but if they're mature it came with time, most likely.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
nope and nope.

maturity is.. "i think people of skin in any color should be blown off the face of the planet"

and you go "blown how, send me in your diagnostic while i get the explosives ready. sit right here while i adjust your parachute w/out the oxygen mask deployer."


TinyGiant · 31-35, M
Yes and no.
3venus · F
No, it doesn't.

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