ReincarnatedPhoenix · 31-35, F
How much i mean to some people and my value to them.
@ReincarnatedPhoenix: yeah, people don't give a shit about anyone
My death that was supposed to come last year.
@AwakeningConfession9: well congrats
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
that hover boards would be around today (not those crap things that are called hover boards now but like the real flying ones).. damn you back to the future movies
I used to think conservatives were just stupid. I thought they were all backwards and stubbornly clung onto outdated beliefs.
Now I think everyone's stupid. Conservatives believe what they do not out of their own intellectual shortcomings, but because they prioritize different things than liberals do. One group isn't inherently smarter than the other, they just focus on different details. That's why their views are divergent. It's all a matter of perspective
Now I think everyone's stupid. Conservatives believe what they do not out of their own intellectual shortcomings, but because they prioritize different things than liberals do. One group isn't inherently smarter than the other, they just focus on different details. That's why their views are divergent. It's all a matter of perspective
@HalfCactus: That's good to know you've learned that.