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It's a weird question.. of course it's arrogant.. just depends.
If a person asked for 'advice' and didn't like what they heard, then it is the person who asked that is arrogant.

If a person just randomly tells you what they think you should do in life, then yeah... again, it's a weird question. Depends on the situation

rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have made enough mistakes in my life I have the experience for telling someone what not to do ,What to do ,its your painting ,paint it
Some have taken my advice and went on to be successful ,small town girl to now she can buy most of it ,and she is only one
I am happy I was able to assist way more then that .
Then I have had those who said they have to make their own way ,
So even with my kids I made a promise ,I never meddle ,,But if you land your butt back in my house ,MY RULES ,(which are just common courtesy ,your not coming home call so I am not up worrying about you ,If you plan to eat out ,call so I am not sitting here hungry trying to keep supper warm for you ,and as they did ,all kids mind ,I worked hard for what I have and I'm sorry don't replace it ,we do not child proof the house ,we child proof the child )
manners and common courtesy are required ,
If you are grown I want you in your own home ,I gave you an education and a car ,I do not have a problem with an empty nest syndrome ,I raised mine and a few more to be self reliant,
you say your grown ,to old for rules ?Good I agree
Now go show the world what good upbringing can do and how smart you are .
The ones who took my advice are now healthy ,wealthy and wise ,
the others had to turn 30 to realize they should have listened ,,but now they are doing fine too ,
See we paid our dues and got the scars so our kids didn't have to ,
call us old fashioned if you want to ,
I have answered to no one since I was 17 ,I made my own way and took care of A LOT of people along the way ,,My parents never seen a nursing home ,Dad died at home ,Mom her last day at Hospice .I took care of my Grandfather until the night he died too .I took care of them ,helped pay their bills ,just like I was raised to do .
If you can do better without advice ,,more power to ya ,
wish I would have taken some ,,I might have a few less scars ,
but like my Dad said ,I would be a wise man one day if it didn't cost me to much ,I have to learn everything the hard way,
it has cost me a lot to be me but I wouldn't change a thing ,
I have some great Kids ,respectful very smart Grandkids a miracle now days ,
everything I own may not be the best but its mine and paid for
I have peace of mind ,all I can wish is for you to have the same ,
I did finally learn to take advise ,listen to and show respect to my elders ,
turns out they are a wealth of experience and not as dumb as I thought after all ,I guess 30 is a turning point ,at least for some ,
God bless
@rckt148: Sounds like you've learned a lot.
Typically. Unless someone is being a jackass and ruining things for others, most people can figure out their own way of doing things. They don't need someone else to impose their values on them, especially if they don't really know the person. Just because something works for one person doesn't mean it'll work for everyone else. Different people face different challenges and have different opportunities from each other. Telling someone what to do is pretty much useless unless they've been in the exact same conditions as that other person
@HalfCactus: right exactly, different things work for different people.
saintsong · 41-45, F
I sometimes appreciate it when people tell me what not to do in life, like they are protecting me from making a wrong decision or something.
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
Telling someone what to do with themselves is indeed preachy behavior. However, giving someone your perspective on anything, including what they personally believe is a good or positive path, just one of many, is not harmful in and of itself. Some people genuinely come from a place of compassion. I agree with Halfcactus though. People have to find their own way in life. Best thing you can do is be positive and supportive.
@DanielChristensen: Yes, it's good to get other perspectives but for example, this one guy I know always tells me I have so much potential but I'm not using it. I feel I live up to my full potential but he doesn't think so and the reason he gives is related to that I'm unhappy often. I do what I need to do, it's my path and it's not easy but it's mine. He doesn't understand that.
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
Happiness is a transitory state, like all things are transitory, but I must assume he means in general. I am stubborn and really don't like being told anything about myself. lol :P

Sicarium · 46-50, M
Usually, yeah. If there's a safeword involved, maybe not.
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