Fussybear · 31-35, F
Most guys seem to know more about girl stuff than me.. It's awkward but whatever

Unfortunately, not just girls, but even some adult women will lie about another lady they are jealous of to make them look bad to a gentleman they are interested in.
I had this happen twice to me, it is very juvinelle. And the sad part was I was not interested in either guy as a romantic partner.
I had this happen twice to me, it is very juvinelle. And the sad part was I was not interested in either guy as a romantic partner.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
Such as proper english... huh?

How does their grey matter work
Goralski · 56-60, M
What is foreplay 😕
LoveChild · 26-30, F
The female erogenous zone extends from clitoris to anus. Don't ignore any area.
I was surprised to find out how few of my fellow neanderthals didn't know that all women, without exception, are closet lesbians, and whenever your girl friend goes to the rest room with her friend, they're fooling around, It's a fact! Really! If you don't believe me google it!

@puck61: Excuse me sir, it is not fact and we go in there to talk about you fellas!
@justmerae: My dearest princess. I hope you know I was, yet again, being facetious.

@puck61: Of course, your silliness. :)