I've never quite understood that piece either. Add as a friend or no but don't allow them to follow
1234K · 26-30, F
@TheCaterpillar: true!!
people who follow your posts even though you are not friends.. I believe
1234K · 26-30, F
@ECHO22: so i should add/follow them back to be in my circle?
@1234K: I think if you add them they become friends.. I think I am as lost as you on this one.. lol
WarmAtNight · M
It's confusing to me too.
Smokey · 46-50, M
They are who is following you, and you aren't following, if you both follow each other then they are under friends, if you follow someone who isn't following you, they are in your circle
Travelbug · 56-60, F
I think it's a feature that's not up and running yet
NigelDoes · 56-60, M
It's coming along with the app in 2023.
theMeggyD · 22-25, F
think of them as your own private army
wetncthru · F
To alert/introduce us to lurkers ...