I'm the quiet who doesn't want anything to do with anyone.
ReaperofTime · 46-50, M
Wasnt there all the time too busy traveling and doing other things when I was I played sports kept to my small group of friends pretty quiet and didnt do the school spirit thing at all
theMeggyD · 22-25, F
the one who was always getting detentions
NotMyRodrick · M
@theMeggyD: you still getting them? XD
theMeggyD · 22-25, F
@NotMyRodrick: no, am in college now
Peaceful · F
Sporty, friendly with everyone.
secondtimearound · 31-35, F
The one who was always getting into fights cause girls wanted to bully me.
Killerb69 · 56-60, M
The guy that went to school just to flirt with the girls and the life of the party because I had all the drugs. It was fun back then but damn, I wish I would have focused on school more.