Experienced33 · M
😓yeppp, she got all the paper plates..

I think most breakups are bitter to begin with. But I do not let this bitterness consume me, I work it out of my system and forgive it. It doesn't take me long to get over whatever hurt me.

not with a s.o. as never had one but with friendship, yeah and it wasnt even anything i did.

Yes very bitter

Yes, divorce even more
MistahBuziness · 36-40, M
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Yes, then he stalked me for 8 months...he's the reason I found EP though. Googling about ways to get rid of him.
Kinopio · 31-35, T
5 years ago
hlpflwthat · M
Does her parents both calling you to tell you what a rotten person you are constitute a bad break-up?