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That was actually possible before everything went online.
ErinFrisk · 22-25
@Robinsinwinter: not really humans still asked the same question. why and some ask it in a sense of why live. instead of just living
@ErinFrisk: I think the dog thought process is based on their own experience and their basic temperament. They fear what they personallly fear. Humans have this daily bath of information from outside sources about what we should fear, expect, want, whatever. It seems like without that input, dogs just exsist in the moment. They see I am fine, so they know they will be fine.
Humans are too curious for their own good
Benny5678 · 41-45, T
Dogs don't care about grammar either
hlpflwthat · M
Hey. You're on to something. ;)
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i don't think dogs are like that.