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MonsieurKJ95 · 26-30, M
People fail to see the evil that surrounds them for fear of being seen that way as well. I for one partially understand where you're coming from. But it's all Hollywood so don't let it get to you so much. And screw the other douche bags who have negative things to say about this. Their ignorance says it all.
MonsieurKJ95 · 26-30, M
@LostInTheDesert: trust me I know it does, the US in my opinion is an evil corporation built on undermining the underdogs to get to the top. And that's coming from a born and raised American citizen. If I could have my way and change the world for what I feel is right I would. Peace, love, positivity, and equality all day
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
@MonsieurKJ95: I'm Middle Eastern but most of my educational years are spent in Western institutions. I have a good grasp on both world.
It's unfortunate that people fail to realise when and why these wars started.
MonsieurKJ95 · 26-30, M
@LostInTheDesert: Well i think it's cool that you have seen and experienced both sides of the coin yknow? And yes it is very unfortunate because all I see is unnecessary hate being spread when love can be shared if people were just willing to open up and listen and try to really understand one another

AnukBinary · M
You can always log off of our internet too🙊
AnukBinary · M
@LostInTheDesert: You're all dudes untill I decide other wise. Now get back in line sucking on that hind tit dude!
AnukBinary · M
@NearMiss: thanks for clearimg that up🤗
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
An ugly dude with man boobs. Get up and heat the left over Mc Donald from last week to eat. Don't forget the left over coke cup under your bed.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Middle Eastern people are called terrorists for reason because it's spread Terror through the land by blown shit up
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
@MonsieurKJ95: you know who you remind me of that guy and Orlando Florida who shot up a nightclub and the name of hola or whatever the f*** they believe in who never even set foot and that side of the world what was the known Isis sympathizer
MonsieurKJ95 · 26-30, M
@TheRascallyOne: Say what you want man, to me you're still an ignorant close minded bigot. At the end of the day I know I'm a good person for wanting to bring positive change to the world and trying to accept people before labeling them and condemning them. When the time comes, people like me will be basking in the glorious kingdom of heaven while the hateful people like yourself burn in the depths of hell begging for your forgiveness. And yes I do believe I'm God and accept Jesus Christ as my savior and the only true lord. The difference between you and I is that I actually try to follow the good book and it's teachings.
MonsieurKJ95 · 26-30, M
@TheRascallyOne: Remember man God loves you regardless of the hate in your heart. Just leave the judging to the man upstairs. Have a good night man. Peace love and positivity ✌
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MonsieurKJ95 · 26-30, M
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and right to speak their mind so fuck off.
Piss off dude you're pathetic.
Allelse · 36-40, M
You think the terrorists in Die Hard were innocent?
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
Let me google die hard, don't think I was born when that came out.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Maybe because movies from other countries aren't well known
Ipad is American product too. lol
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
@samdx008: Still made in China just like everything else in America. Made in China.
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LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
@NearMiss: It ain't over till the fat lady sings. When it happens, if it will ever happen.
It's sad right how they always have muslims portrayed as terrorists in Hollywood.
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
I know right, so much horseshit.
@LostInTheDesert: because it sells that's why they do it :/
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
Just an angry little person.
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shaelan · 41-45, M
A lot of movies are totally BS anyway, from what I hear. o.o;
LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
I know, just the shit loads of bollocks is mind numbing.
shaelan · 41-45, M
@LostInTheDesert: Sometimes mind numbing is what folks are after though, right?
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LostInTheDesert · 31-35, F
Probably PMS

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