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I wish I was at Coachella but then I'm here in Australia. But on the bright side I'm going to sleep in my comfy bed now. Rock onnn

funfan · 51-55, M
G'day downunder! lol Gaga rocked last night! Check out her set on the Coachella​ YouTube page.
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
I'll definitely do that. It would have been amazing
Taliesin33 · 46-50, M
Nothing beats the comfy bed
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
Coachella would have been good back in the day of bands playing good music, not this crap music bands play these days!
CookieMonster280 · 22-25, F
Eh. I would have had fun either way. I like both styles of music

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