Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Mrs. White, she's a total racist
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MissScarlet · 41-45, F
hmpf! "pillar" I already know that only a guilty person will spout those words!
ColonelMustard · 70-79, M
And what about you, hiding behind your perceived delicateness? You've got plenty of strength to pull a trigger!
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@ColonelMustard: that is pure lunacy! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME!
ColonelMustard · 70-79, M
This is preposterous! I've never even BEEN inside the study.
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@DanGerUs: Mrs. Peacock is still alive, What are you saying? are you planning to murder her????
Danez · M
@MissScarlet: oops - nevermind! 😁
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@DanGerUs: Oh my! you are quite a character Mr. Dangerus!
twofacetoo · 26-30, M
How odd, I just posted some Cluedo-based artwork online.
And that's no advert, I'm genuinely stunned these two things happened so close together
It's almost suspicious...
And that's no advert, I'm genuinely stunned these two things happened so close together
It's almost suspicious...
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
What are you saying, darling?!
twofacetoo · 26-30, M
I'm saying... it was MURDER!
UnsureForNow · 46-50, M
Hang on, I'm in the Library. Be there in a minute.
UnsureForNow · 46-50, M
Look over there!!!!
*runs away*
*runs away*
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
Oh my! I will phone the police right away!
Danez · M
@UnsureForNow: hmmmm that was weird. maybe he had to go pee?
bhatjc · 46-50, M
I would say the lawyer.
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
The house did it. It won't rest until you're all dead.
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
@DanGerUs: dead is dead right mister. Ain't none of us leaving this place. Not upright anyhow.
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@ChasingBrainBros: Oh my word! I'm in a tizzy now, darling. Imagining all those bodies beneath us.
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
@MissScarlet: well they're gone now miss. I dug them up, put them in the back of my jalopy and threw them in a ravine. But something tells me the souls remained behind. And they're angry.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
ColonelMustard · 70-79, M
Did you though? Or are you taking the fall for someone else? Someone who knows about the secret passages and can use them to sneak about the house undetected?
Danez · M
Come on now it is clear to see that you are only trying to protect someone by taking the blame. Nice try!
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
That's right there are three of us