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Who is a suspect for a murder?!?!

Is it you Colonel Mustard?!
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Flenflyys · 31-35, F
Mrs. White, she's a total racist
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
hmpf! "pillar" I already know that only a guilty person will spout those words!
ColonelMustard · 70-79, M
And what about you, hiding behind your perceived delicateness? You've got plenty of strength to pull a trigger!
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@ColonelMustard: that is pure lunacy! HOW DARE YOU ACCUSE ME!
ColonelMustard · 70-79, M
This is preposterous! I've never even BEEN inside the study.
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@DanGerUs: Mrs. Peacock is still alive, What are you saying? are you planning to murder her????
Danez · M
@MissScarlet: oops - nevermind! 😁
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@DanGerUs: Oh my! you are quite a character Mr. Dangerus!
twofacetoo · 26-30, M
How odd, I just posted some Cluedo-based artwork online.
And that's no advert, I'm genuinely stunned these two things happened so close together
It's almost suspicious...
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
What are you saying, darling?!
twofacetoo · 26-30, M
I'm saying... it was MURDER!
UnsureForNow · 46-50, M
Hang on, I'm in the Library. Be there in a minute.
UnsureForNow · 46-50, M
Look over there!!!!

*runs away*
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
Oh my! I will phone the police right away!
Danez · M
@UnsureForNow: hmmmm that was weird. maybe he had to go pee?
bhatjc · 46-50, M
I would say the lawyer.
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
The house did it. It won't rest until you're all dead.
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
@DanGerUs: dead is dead right mister. Ain't none of us leaving this place. Not upright anyhow.
MissScarlet · 41-45, F
@ChasingBrainBros: Oh my word! I'm in a tizzy now, darling. Imagining all those bodies beneath us.
CheshireCatalyst · 41-45, M
@MissScarlet: well they're gone now miss. I dug them up, put them in the back of my jalopy and threw them in a ravine. But something tells me the souls remained behind. And they're angry.
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
ColonelMustard · 70-79, M
Did you though? Or are you taking the fall for someone else? Someone who knows about the secret passages and can use them to sneak about the house undetected?
Danez · M
Come on now it is clear to see that you are only trying to protect someone by taking the blame. Nice try!
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
That's right there are three of us

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