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bhatjc · 46-50, M
@LadyJuneBug: That is true as well lady june
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Degbeme · 70-79, M
@OneLostSoul: Ask her.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@LadyJuneBug: never mind :)

yes I'm also a flirt
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Nothing wrong with that
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
I see :)
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@OneLostSoul: We are all human. Is flirting not in are DNA
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@MalteseFalconPunch: lol yeah but that was what tomska named you :)
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
@MalteseFalconPunch: either I am too slow or they are too fast

@OneLostSoul: just google asdfmovie and you'll know what (who) mine turtle is :)
Too many men.... and women posing as men
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
imagine this... instead of complaining you can block or adjust your settings so you don't get them.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
I am trying to find that option.I am new and thus finding this problem.
in any case I wasn't complaining to you
in any case I wasn't complaining to you
Femme4thewin · 22-25, F
Great another asshole telling people what to do
TestingLimitations · 31-35, M
The ones who aren't flirting and such have less reason to pm.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
I see

Lol, just wait...
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Every two out of three wants to flirt.

@OneLostSoul: Thank all the gods that they are just flirting

hey can I take you for a dinner?
lol jk
lol jk
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
time here for breakfast.

@OneLostSoul: ok, then a breakfast at Mc Donald's, deal?
Exhibiter1000 · 61-69, M
Yes. I'm a flirt too
AnnieSeeker · 70-79, F
th3r0n · 41-45, M
I can see why someone would want to flirt with you, from the things you've written as responses to people you seem really sweet.
I would actually like to talk to you myself, but I don't like to be that jerk that comes out of nowhere flirting so I was taking a look at things you posted getting to know you a little and replying.
You seem like you would be interesting to talk to and good company if you wouldn't mind talking sometime, I do tend to flirt a bit but I'm not a bad guy by any means.
I would actually like to talk to you myself, but I don't like to be that jerk that comes out of nowhere flirting so I was taking a look at things you posted getting to know you a little and replying.
You seem like you would be interesting to talk to and good company if you wouldn't mind talking sometime, I do tend to flirt a bit but I'm not a bad guy by any means.
Syktur · 26-30, M
Get used to it. There are many, many perverts on this website.
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
so it does seem
Femme4thewin · 22-25, F
Yesssss it's so gross. Like you're fifty why are you talking to me?
OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Youre right
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OneLostSoul · 26-30, F
Most seem to take girls for granted.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
Just block them miss lost soul

Replace flirts with horny jerks. They're pathetic.

@MalteseFalconPunch: It is nice that your work picked up, and Tomb Raider!
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Sometimes noodles tastes better than food from the fanciest restaurants :P

most men on here are flirts or pervs just looking for sex chats or pics. not many gentlemen on this site