yellowstone Best Comment
I thought she was a great person, with such light and kindness. Sure hope she's ok.
ConfusedMonkey · 41-45, M
So you're the last one to speak to her before she disappeared? 🤔👀
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
Hope he has an alibi
SailorMarz · F
That's fortunate. Sorry for your loss...i don't know her....also sorry for not providing any useful information lol
I remember her a bit- perhaps she deleted it and will come back as another name?
Goralski · 56-60, M
She's on here under her original account
Enchanted · 56-60, F
Wow that's odd :/
elfie · 51-55, F
Tell me about it! Did she say anything to you?

She will come back once, but it can take a while, she does that more often.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
people leave all the time. i gave up on keeping up appearances... during EP.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
She is still here.

It happens.
goagainsttheflow · 31-35, F
I know how that feels. That happened to me too with another ex-member. It really sucks!