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If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

I suppose as someone who asks that question I should answer it!

But would love to know what you'd ask for if a genie of the lamp popped up right now and granted three of them for you.
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3venus · F Best Comment
1: $33 million dollars (for me.)
2: End global poverty.
3: All incurable diseases are now cured.

Northerner · 70-79, M
I have everything I need so you can have my three wishes.
limefairy · 51-55, F
1.Good health for those I love.
2. Financial security
3.An end to famine.
The destruction of the world, the birth of a new one, and peace on Earth for eternity.
1) I would go back to the year 1999! 2) I would be better in school 3) last wish go to university
ThatMeanMan · 26-30, M
1) To grant me unlimited wishes
2) To be a good human
3) To be in heaven
Trevo · 26-30, M
Peace in world
End poverty
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
@Alexander: Very good and nice wishes. For me: BA! 👌🥇
Trevo · 26-30, M
@Loretta78: thank you 😀
Safety around the world
Her happiness
Urbyxx · 70-79, M
Wisdom, empathy and true love
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
2. Love
3. Health
peace, health, seclusion
TheTofuMaster · 31-35, M
1. Infinite wishes
2. A space station like the Death Star that can warp from galaxies to galaxies
3. And invent something like the babel fish from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe to understand other people's language
I'd ask for.
1. limitless free energy for the world.
2. an end to all illness and disease.
3. A worldwide epiphany that would eliminate hate and unite all mankind in peace and harmony with each other and thier environment.
Loretta78 · 46-50, F
1. Meeting my soul mate
2. 1 Million Dollar
3. Peace for me and the all world
Scribbles · 36-40, F
1. A lot of money
2. I could pick a new president
3. understand and speak any human language
MrsKatherineArch · 41-45, F
1) health
2) happiness
3) enough
puppylove · M
......I'd wish for 10 more wishes 😄
LadyWioness · 56-60, F
Unlimited wishes. 💕
mrmoose · 70-79, M
i only want my love back in my life
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Find happiness, live for eternity, build an amazing family.
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