SW-User Best Comment
Forget about it. What goes around, comes back around.
I'm sorry you met someone so foul.
I'm sorry you met someone so foul.
Karmalives · 51-55, M
Karma will take over 😎

Revenge always backfires
Karmalives · 51-55, M
Youni19 · 26-30, F
Revenge is a waste of time, imo
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
Move on and find someone new to put your attention on.Revenge never ends good.

Move on. You'll meet someone who loves you and will be true.
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
That's horrible, I'm sorry.
Sometimes the best revenge is ceasing to care about people like that. For them seeing (or at least thinking) that you don't give them a second thought anymore and that you've moved on from is the worst thing ever. It makes them feel unimportant, they might even begin to realize the gravity of their mistakes.
Sometimes the best revenge is ceasing to care about people like that. For them seeing (or at least thinking) that you don't give them a second thought anymore and that you've moved on from is the worst thing ever. It makes them feel unimportant, they might even begin to realize the gravity of their mistakes.
AmbivalentFriability · 26-30
You're free to enjoy your time however you want to. :) Why waste another moment on her?
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
Hire me
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
the best revenge is living well -- anything else is joint pointless
Karmalives · 51-55, M
Well said.
shadowplay · 26-30, M
send her this[media=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf-xOnRU6UA]
bhatjc · 46-50, M
How did you find out. and where her best friend and her classmate. Both females.
SailorMarz · F
Well you can't get revange now...ya'll aren't even together?
Brightstart · 31-35, M
She's all sorry and wants me back now
SailorMarz · F
You actually benefited. Why revenge, move on.
Just forget about it... the more you dwell on that the more you let her mess with your head 🤗
Brightstart · 31-35, M
Thanks dear
Enchanted · 56-60, F
Best revenge is to move on.
forget her
Karmalives · 51-55, M
Fuck revenge that doesn't solve nothing.. What happened and do you love her?
EvieB123 · F
Kill her.