BiasForAction · M
Anyone who thinks he or she does not judge their freinds is fooling themselves
We humans are a judgmental species
We humans are a judgmental species
Fernie · F
his question was about extreme judgaholics...the ones that use a friends words against them..there're levels of judging

No, but if it is a friendship where we both smile and agree on everything that would be boring to me. If I have a concern I would like the freedom to express that without being told I am judging them and I would like them to feel free to do the same.
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@JosephStalin: Oh, perhaps they are of a serious bent of mind?
JosephStalin · 31-35, M
@justmerae: or just mean

@JosephStalin: Not much of a friend then is he/she?

Of course I judge them. If they're doing something especially harmful to themselves or others I'll speak up and express concern. I would want them to do the same for me. I don't excuse their behavior just to remain in their good graces.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
If i didnt judge them we wouldn't be friends lol
JosephStalin · 31-35, M
@Gangstress: you too 🤗 its actually night where i am :p
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@JosephStalin: oh no sorry. Hope you have a lovely evening then lol 🤗
JosephStalin · 31-35, M
@Gangstress: thank you :D ^_^
AnukBinary · M
I meet so many new friends of friends being a dj I don't really have time to judge then..
JosephStalin · 31-35, M
Don't you judge their dance moves? Dj unicorn?

Of course?! I'm a lovely friend!
JosephStalin · 31-35, M
Yeah you are lovely
Fernie · F
I'd be nobody's friend if I behaved that way...I'd be a total ahole
JosephStalin · 31-35, M
You're not 🤗
BabyLonia · F
If I judge them, I judge who they are with me
If I use words against them it will be words I say to them
If I use words against them it will be words I say to them