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Oh my god, I've been reading the comments here and gosh, people just DONT KNOW what is Islam and just write wrong statements because they only hear, never know. Alright, if you hate religions it's okay no one cares, do that and share that and give your reasons, seriously. But please don't go and assume some rubbish that's not even true!
Arguments never win when the reasoning is wrong! Go and hate everything but do it fairly at least.
UnhatchedEgg · 31-35, F
@AoNoSora: But it has changed, don't you know about the old versions that were found and contained different versions of the current Quran? Don't you know about the burning incident? Don't you know that it was not properly written and compiled but after the death of the prophet? Don't you know about the various incidents when the prophet said something was to be from the revelation and then took it back "omitted" saying oops sorry turned out it was from Satan? Dont you know about the revalation writer who would supposedly write the revalation as the prophet says it yet corrects the prophet on some areas and the prophet would actually agree with him (all what I am saying is extracted from hadiths) don't you know about the revalation writers who actually renounced their faith later on how the hell do you trust what they wrote? Don't you know that Quran said earth is flat and that there are a lot of scientific errors including the Embryos science that you are bragging about and that a lot of that science you are bragging about was ALREADY there at the time.. I'd say more and quote you specific quranic references to show you that Isis specifically follows Islam but I am in a hurry now, I'd advise you to look for their punishments in the Quran and way of ruling, you will find it there.
@AoNoSora: couldn't agree more!
@UnhatchedEgg: In all respect, there was never old versions of Quran because it never changed. I don't know how you KNOW about a nonexistent fact. Quran was written when the prophet was alive. Go and learn History. And the things you said were all wrong. Prophet never said such or such a thing was from Satan. And share the Hadith because there are people who claim Prophet said that but didn't (people appeared centuries after him).
You don't understand arabic, or do you? If you do you must know that it is mentioned earth is egg-shaped and those misleading arguments you must have read are written by people who don't know what SYNONYMS and interpretation are. If you don't know Arabic then don't make up things that are absolutely wrong.
One more thing, ISIS do not apply Islam exactly, they are misinterpreting every verse and do things that are not supposed to be done.
And the fact about Embryology is right. I don't know why you cannot acknowledge that even tho it's clear. Why is it wrong in the first place?
Display all the wrongness you saw and we shall see wrong from right tho I'm sure there isn't. But it doesn't hurt to make it clear for you, I guess.
UnhatchedEgg · 31-35, F

There is no such thing as a nonexistent fact, or else, it would not be a fact :D

I think it is you who doesn’t really know much about the history of Islam. Quran was mostly known by heart at the time of the prophet simply because writing was not that common at the time. I already mentioned in my earlier comment that there were scribes during the prophet time, but Quran was not fully written, because after his death and during what we refer to as “Ridda wars/Wars of apostasy” many Muslims of those who memorized the Quran were killed and the Khalifa Abu Baker was worried Quran was going to be lost because of that, so he started calling for writing the Quran down and compiling it. It is well known, it is elementary school information! O.o

The Satanic verses I was referring to that were omitted were mentioned in Ibn Jarir al-Tabari (a very prominent scholar) Tafseer book, below is a screenshot of his book, I suppose you read Arabic since you were arguing over the language!

Regarding the egg-shaped thing, I am a native Arabic speaker, not sure why you are assuming that I don’t know Arabic, I guess it is nice when you are arguing someone who doesn’t understand the Arabic language because you can lie all you want about it, sadly I used to do that! The word mentioned in the verse that refers to earth is “Dahaha - دحاها” means “spread out” , has nothing to do with eggs, it is scholars who went on saying that it means this and that in order to cover it up, however, there are actually Islamic scholars who would argue that earth is flat because they understand that it is mentioned as such in the Quran so they deny scientific facts!

Regarding embryology Surat Al-Mu'minun 23:14 says “Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah , the best of creators” - I will need to argue the actual Arabic words to show you that it has nothing to do with science, but to avoid this, very simply, just saying that bones come first and are then are covered with flesh is something that no science has proved yet!!

ISS does not follow Islam? So I guess they do not derive their punishments from Quran right? Surat Al-Ma'idah 5:33 “Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment” and this is only one example, there is a lot more, but you should do your own homework!

Finally, you are saying that there are no old versions of Quran, have you not heard of the old manuscripts of the Quran? If you haven’t yet, look for the Sana'a manuscript and read about the discrepancies that were found and how access to it was restricted then because of that. Also, use your common sense, at the time, dotting was not invented yet, words did not have any dots, if you do understand Arabic and I suppose you do, you will know that one word could be interpreted as various meanings that would make sense if it does not have dots (and I can actually give you various examples on verses that would have many interpretation because of the missing dots), how the heck are you so confident that the old Arabic writing was interpreted correctly? Discrepancies were actually found, different scribes interpreted the writing differently as they were copying old scripts using modern writing.

You wasted a lot of my time, really you should learn more before accusing others of lying without any grounds.

Ratatouillesque · 26-30, F
Arabic? Okay, whatever.
First of all, this is shitty generalization. I am muslim, not an arab muslim and it is not the case at all, except the people living in the incredibly rural places in the middle east who I can say, yes they are having problems of this sort. But show me one rural country who doesnt have these kind of issues? Stop spreading unfair shit like that which only raises more ignorant people.
TexChik · F
@Ratatouillesque: nobody had islamophobia recently until Islam flew jets into the World Trade Center
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@TexChik: So far in every terrorist attack, Muslims have condemned. The vast majority of Muslims are peaceful. If you claim Islam is violent - name which surah, which ayah and according to which school of jurisprudence in the context is it violent. I am waiting to hear, seeing as you know such much, what's the difference between Hanbali and Hanafi interpretation.
This message was deleted by its author.
5:21 Then the priest shall charge the woman with an oath of cursing, and the priest shall say unto the woman, The LORD make thee a curse and an oath among thy people, when the LORD doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy belly to swell;
5:22 And this water that causeth the curse shall go into thy bowels, to make thy belly to swell, and thy thigh to rot: And the woman shall say, Amen, amen.

Chapter 24 Surah Noor verses 2-3: The woman and the man guilty of fornication, flog each of them with a hundred stripes, and let not pity for them restrain you in regard to a matter prescribed by Allah, if you indeed believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a section of the believers witness the punishment inflicted on them.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
sounds like all the other faiths too.
It's not for muslims, dont know abt other faiths tho.
Goralski · 51-55, M
And d best part is if a woman gets raped she's d one who goes ta jail or worst
Or get blamed.
TexChik · F
There must be 4 witnesses ( men) to the rape or the woman is killed for being a whore
All the religions made by men are trash.
I am a Muslim and I don't
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
Not to even mention the arranged marriages where the woman or girl has no choice.
@Wraithorn: Alright, so you're just hating it without being convinced, or dare I say, just from petty judgements. I think it's totally unfair but I don't mind. I hope when you'll be ready you'll understand whay I'm saying clearly. Good luck on that.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
@AoNoSora: Hate is too strong a word. I dislike ALL religion and especially the male dominated ones like the Abrahamic religions.
@Wraithorn: Ah okay. I don't know where you're seeing male dominance in Islam when in the laws: female have their special training in serving the army, they have their special training in worlds tournament sports...etc. They are obviously treated unequally than men, why is that not sexist?
It's pretty much the same thing in Islam, if not more lax laws.
Islam is kind of a sexist religion. Well, most religions are. You can't argue with that. It depends on the country where the offense takes place. You think Arabian countries are bad? Have you ever heard of nirbhaya rape case in India? The accused are still roaming freely. This is not just one case. The government won't take any immediate action on the accused. So rapists take advantage of this, and they are not afraid to molest women. In Arabia, if a person found to be guilty of rape, he would be beheaded immediately. It's nof always about religion, it's the people's attitude.
QueenPeach · 26-30, F
Yeah I guess so, just wish people were different.
The double standard is not limited to Arabs or Muslims by any means. Some countries in the Middle East and Africa may have more extreme measures, but the attitude is universal (held by many women too, btw "that's just how men are"-how often have you heard that ?) and as old as time.
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
You are right it's not just Islam which sucks. It is in general religion and culture which is controlled by men that sucks. I believe in equal rights and no gender should be dominating the other in that way. And just because it has been happening for hundreds or thousands of yrs does not mean that it is right. I think that many cultures need to change.
UnhatchedEgg · 31-35, F
First of all, it is not called Arabic, it is Arabs.. Arabic is a language, if you know.

Secondly, Not all Arabs are Muslims so do not equate the two, that's just ignorant. I have no idea how you reached the conclusion that Arabs think it is okay for men to cheat but not for women.

Of course it doesn't make sense, because you made that shit up.😓
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
No, don't say that! You'll destroy people's stereotypes with those facts of Catholic Maronite Arabs :P. We need to put people into neat little boxes.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Ask why liberals want them in America.
Because it doesn't make sense. Some cultures see men as superior to women, and women being puppets or slave to men's whims. If anything, men should act like men and stop being so backward and dumb.
No. Not at all. The punishment is the same for men and women. And death is only for married people. (that doesn't have to be applied anymore)
You're talking nonsense
and btw you're more than welcome to add me to your block list
QueenPeach · 26-30, F
Not like I care about your opinion 😊
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
in short people are good... it's the bad ones that get the notoriety. then people wonder why they can't find someone.
TexChik · F
And you get 70 virgins when you die ... but where do they come from? Goats ?
AnonymousJSS · 22-25, F
Seems fvcked up tbh
Or the fact that the men are allowed to marry a non-Muslim girl while the women aren't allowed to do the same with men.

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