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Do you know the real definition of boner?

Not the slang version. 馃槒
ForeverOnMyGuard22-25, F
Ofc you would know this 馃檮
@ForeverOnMyGuard: 馃槵
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ForeverOnMyGuard22-25, F
@Kinevil: :(
cheesymoon1322-25, M
A stupid mistake
Curiousguy83331-35, M
Yes it's a hard male genitalia. 馃槕
@Curiousguy833: To see if others knew, so I could educate them fella. Now worship me as your savior.
Curiousguy83331-35, M
I didn't sign up for a lesson take your puny excuse of godliness somewhere else. I got real questions to answer 馃槑
@Curiousguy833: Then stop replying.
A mental error?
Clumsy or stupid mistake.
@Kinevil: I was pretty close.
Comparative form of bone

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