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Does any other person with curly hair have a certain they need to do before they go out?

I know I have to wash it, deep condition it, detangle it, put an anti frizz serum in it, detangle it again, try to style, fail 15 thousand times, give up, put it in a ponytail.
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Cinderella · 46-50, F
All that plus Use the diffuser always looks good till it hits the outside air
I have found it easier to wash the night before, and then just style it in the morning. Too much product and too much work on it while it's newly washed, makes it worse.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
nope.. learned long ago just use a rake and do not blow dry.
(and don't touch the hair until it's dry.)

years people tried to teach me what they didn't understand about curly hair and made a mess out of mine. i think 'cuz they be jealous and sheet.
ReaperBlack · 26-30
Oh most definitely. I've given up on mine. It's always pulls back in a bun or ponytail.
BlueRain · 51-55, F
I don't hair in 15 min. It's big and curly lol
Shaman · 26-30
Go wild or go home!
I either curl it in order to strighten it somewhat and de-frizz it or I give up and put it in a ponytail.
BabyLonia · F
I straighten it
Shaman · 26-30
That would be a crime
BlueRain · 51-55, F
Tried that but I kept burning my hair
BabyLonia · F
@TwistedVine: noooo

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