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Nothing wrong with spanking to me, as long as its not used all the time or for stupid reasons. It shouldn't be the only form of discipline though. Usually the last resort.
Theres a difference between abuse and displine to me.
Theres a difference between abuse and displine to me.
lucetta12 · 36-40, F
All kids need discipline and of course there is a difference between abuse and discipline. Hitting a child is abuse. Nobody had a reason to hit a child. What is that's telling them? It's basically telling them it's ok to hit someone when you lose your temper.
@lucetta12: Like i said, I don't agree if its used excessively because then it turns into a routine which may harm the kid. If used within reason it shows the kid that he/she has repecussions of acting or doing what they did, and by spanking I don't mean a smack to the face.
Either its gonna work or that son/daughter is gonna send them to a nursing home later on
curiosi · 61-69, F
Bullies, not only lack self control but believe they are some sort of god. They just can't grasp that fear is the opposite of love and someday the children will grow up and be out from under them.
ForeverOnMyGuard · 22-25, F
I view it as a last resort, and never when you're just frustrated. The parents can be good or bad and use physical punishment, but hopefully they don't really hurt the child
SweetMae · 70-79, F
You are too old for that. I am sure you are capable of reason.
lucetta12 · 36-40, F
They should be arrested. How is hitting a child going to solve anything? It isn't.
jake60 · 61-69, M
all for it
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
that's bad