Being in the arms of the person you love.
BiasForAction · M
thats definitely up there. How about that first warm day of spring when you are at your target weight and can wear anything in your closet?
SweetMae · 70-79, F
This is a great feeling too!
SweetMae · 70-79, F
making love and snuggling in the arm of my lover.
BiasForAction · M
oh yeah, that one too. My post seems so lame now.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
The best
curiosi · 61-69, F
Coming home to my dog and she is soooooooooooo excited to see me.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
Waking up to a warm willing wife already awake
Newandimproved · 61-69, M
going to the beach and the water is cold - you take a warm shower and then put on jeans that just came out of the dryer
Fauxmyope2 · 31-35, F
That is a great feeling. I agree wholeheartedly.
melbeacher · 61-69, M
Mmmmmm oh yesssss !
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Having your family understand you.
juiceyangel333 · 31-35, F
Making love
Chickie · F
This is weird but cleaning the ear wax from your ear